Wild Oats – Florida Lobster

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“Sally, do you like fresh lobster?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“My friend Nick from high school has a boat in the keys that he inherited from his grandfather and invited me down for the mini lobster season next week. He said I could bring a friend who would share a stateroom with me. I thought immediately of you.”

“That would be great, but how does it fit in with work?”

“We drive down after work on Tuesday night and come back on Friday. We have all the lobster we can catch on Wednesday and Thursday.”

“So I need to get Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off from work. That’s a lot, but maybe someone will trade days if I work for them over the weekend.”

It worked out and on Tuesday night we began the long drive from Tampa to Marathon. Nick was expecting us for breakfast Wednesday morning.

We found the marina with no difficulty because of the good directions we had gotten from Nick.

We located the designated slip and saw an older cabin cruiser that appeared to be in pristine condition.

“Nice boat, Nick. This is Sally.”

“Jason, it is good to see you again. Sally, I am pleased to meet you. Unfortunately, my girlfriend, Marci, was unexpectedly called away last night when her mother fell and broke a leg. She is helping her mother and does not know when she will be able to come back.”

“Nick, I am just glad to be here. When you talk with Marci, tell her that I hope her mother is doing better and that sometime I hope to meet her.”

“Stow your gear down below, you have the forward cabin, and we will get underway.

Our cabin had two single berths attached to the hull in the bow of the boat.

“Jason, I will take the top bunk so that I can have some alone time without you stepping on me getting in and out of bed.”

We changed into our swim suits and went back on deck. Nick had already started the engines and had Jason cast off the lines.

As we motored out of the marina, Nick gave us a flash course in catching Florida lobster.

We use skin diving equipment (mask, snorkel, and fins) and with a tickle stick, tease the lobster out of its hole. We place a net behind the lobster and scare it backwards by touching its head with our tickle cinsel bilgiler stick. It scoots backwards into our net and we pick it up wearing special gloves to protect our hands. We measure it based on markings on the handle of our net and if it is of legal size, place it in our gathering bag.

Nick locates the area where he has been successful in the past and anchors the boat in about 10′ of water.

We assemble on the stern swimming platform and begin our underwater adventure. Before we get in the water, Nick has us remove any jewelry which might attract fish who might think we were fishing lures.

Jason and I both missed catching the first few lobsters we teased out, but finally got the hang of it and caught our dinner. Nick had better luck and caught enough that the 3 of us had our limit for the day.

Nick said we would have our fill of hot lobster for lunch and lobster salad for dinner tonight.

I was really tired after being up all night and then swimming this morning. I retired to the bow of the boat where I could just lay in the sun and sleep. I was wearing my bikini so I slathered sun screen all over myself. I decided to try for no tan lines and untied my top straps.

Nick came up to wake me for lunch and was exposed to an unexpected treat when I sat up before fastening my top. My natural, firm, DD’s swayed in front of him as I picked up my top and began putting it on.

Nick said, “In case you missed the sign near the hatch, clothing is optional on this vessel.”

“Thank you Nick, I will have to think about that.”

We had all the lobster we could eat for lunch and I went back up to the bow to resume my nap. Nick seemed really nice and I felt completely relaxed in his presence. When I resumed my place on the bow I removed both my bikini top and bottom. After applying more sun screen I settled in.

Seeing that I was naked the boys decided to do the same.

I have described Jason’s man equipment before so I will just describe Nick’s.

Nick is about 5’11”, lean, well sun-tanned, strong hands, and has a circumcised cock. It is about 6″ flaccid and about as round as a quarter, but he is a grower. As cinsellik bilgileri he becomes erect he grows a couple of inches in length and becomes as big around as a silver dollar.

After my nap, when I saw that the boys were naked, I just picked up my bikini top and bottom and carried them with me to the salon. I joined the guys as we drank beer and Nick told us about the boat which is now his home.

Nick’s grandfather bought the 38′ Chris Craft Constellation new in 1957 and it had been his pride and Joy. In his later years Nick had been his volunteer crew. His grandfather noted that Nick loved the boat also and willed it to him when he passed away.

There are two staterooms. There is the Master cabin in the stern where Nick resides and the auxiliary cabin in the bow where we are currently bunked. In addition, the couch in the salon opens up into a bed for an additional two persons if needed.

There is a head (bathroom) in the Master cabin and a head in the hall (passage way) leading to our cabin. Across from the head is a separate shower stall.

The galley (kitchen) is at the end of the salon and there is a dinette across from it.

As we were sitting listening to Nick tell about his boat, Jason was casually teasing my breasts. My nipples popped out like small corks and my areolas became very crinkly. Nick had not been able to take his eyes off me since we sat down and I think Jason was trying to show me off.

The attention to my breasts felt so good that I laid my head back on the top of the sofa and closed my eyes.

Jason kept teasing my breasts and nipples with his mouth and tongue as his hand moved down and began stroking my thigh. As his fingers stroked my inner thigh, my legs began to relax and spread apart.

I felt a tongue on my pussy and scooted down toward the edge of the sofa and opened my legs even further. I opened my eyes and saw Nick giving me a tongue bath. He was so gentle and loving. He traced around my pussy lips. He explored the folds of my labia. He found my clit and gently circled it with his tongue. He found my love opening and began probing with his tongue. He inserted first one finger and cinsel bilgi then two and began slowly thrusting in and out as I bathed his hand with my love honey. He found my G-spot and I began to shake as I had my first orgasm. He continued stroking right through it.

“Nick, I’m ready to feel you inside me.”

He moved up and placed his formidable man tool against my love opening.

I looked him in the eye and said, “If you cum, cum inside me as deep as you can go. I want to feel your hot, creamy cum inside me.”

He gently eased himself into me as my love flower opened for him. Jason was still loving my breasts and I had Nick deep in my tunnel of love.

We began a slow, loving rhythm. Pushing together and pulling apart until only the head of his cock remained inside me.

I loved the feeling of his cock inside me and could feel another orgasm gradually building. Nick must have felt it also because his thrusts became more urgent and harder. Soon I could hear the slap – slap of our flesh meeting in our shared desire.

His cock swelled just before he came and as I had another orgasm on his cock, I milked him with my vaginal muscles as he squirted his man juice deep into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold him in and enjoyed both my orgasm and the feeling of his cum in my vagina.

Nick slowly pulled out of me and I took his deflated man tool into my mouth and cleaned off our combined love juice.

Nick sat down, apparently drained, and I saw Jason standing there with his erect penis dripping pre-cum. I lay down on the sofa with my head on Nick’s lap and nodded to Jason as I opened my legs for him.

Jason raised my legs to his shoulders as he positioned his cock at my love opening and, because I was so well lubricated with Nick’s cum, slid in all the way with one single thrust. My body got in synch with Jason’s and we were soon rocking the boat. I was so slick and Jason was so horny after watching Nick make love to me, that within two or three minutes, his cum was mingling with Nick’s in my vagina.

I went out to the teak swim platform and jumped in the water to clean myself. After coming out, Nick suggested that I might want to finish up with a quick shower to get the salt water off me. While I was showering the guys jumped into the water also and then finished with a shower rinse.

Nick suggested that we might want to join him in the Master cabin bed rather than our bunks. Jason said he would be okay in the bunk so I joined Nick in the Master cabin for a night of continued loving.

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