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It was the second anniversary of our first date. Two years we had been seeing each other without sleeping together. Can you believe that, two years? He had called early to confirm plans and stated; “This evening is all about you.” That was when I decided to make my move.

He picked me up for another cliché date. Dinner and a movie, our town is so dull. He wanted to give me more. He would always say; “This town isn’t good enough for you.” He wanted to take me to ballrooms, but there were none. So we would putt-putt in the summer and bowl in the winter. Sometimes, if the play had good reviews, we would see live theatre.

We went out to the same restaurant we always had. Played our weekend ritual but this time he was in for a big surprise. We kissed through the movie; rarely did we see any of the shows we went to see. It kept our relationship alive knowing we were the people everyone was wishing they could be.

Again, as a gentleman he insisted on opening the car door all night. I am perfectly able, but I still love when he does it. He walked me to my door and checked the house for burglars as if there could be with the state of the art alarm system he had professionally installed. This was his undoing. I quietly locked the door behind me as he walked into the house and hid the key in the teapot. As he entered my room, I threw him on the bed and leaped for his body.

Ripping his shirt open, I began covering his body in kisses. I had spread rose petals on the bed before I left this evening. He couldn’t have noticed. He hadn’t even been able to turn on the light. He already began saying no, no, no; I can’t do this, not now. I felt him growing hard beneath my clothed body and told him that his body told me different. Immediately I cuffed him to the bed so I could light the candles. He pleaded with me “I cannot do this until I am legally wed. So I know that you are mine and I am yours for eternity,” I loved the thought of it, eternity with him, how little he knew. He had raised himself in the honour of a knight, a gentle man to the marrow. What woman wouldn’t want him for eternity, and he is all mine. I told him so and he smiled that evil grin I love so much. I told him this is my engagement present and that I would take that plea as his asking to marry me. He laughed again he was trying to close himself off. I had to move quickly. So I began sex izle to remove his clothing. He said he could file rape charges. I told him he wouldn’t after tonight was through. He begged to have the cuffs removed so he could at least touch me. I quoted him from earlier “This evening is all about you,” you said to me. So I am going to have my fill.

One by one I removed and replaced the cuffs so I could get his clothing off. When I was finished, and he made it a chore, I stood for a moment taking in all of his firm body. Which made me want him even more. All in due course I reminded myself. First I needed to have him want my body in the same way.

I told him first and foremost I wanted his body with his consent, and that I would have it tonight. As I lit the spiced candles, I told him I was tired of the same old boring dates we had been having for two years now and I wanted to spice it up. He laughed at my play on words. He always caught these things. I informed him he would not be leaving until I was happy.

At that I unclothed my own body so he could see me for who I am. The gleam in his eye, I could have died for. I informed him, (because every man loves to be reassured in his actions, though this man certainly doesn’t need it) that he is a great man and with his control of all he sets his mind on, he would soon change the world. Then I simply stated, “I will be at your side all of the way. Through the good parts and the bad through the ups and downs for eternity. Not “till death do us part.” Those are my vows unto all that is holy I promise. But most importantly, I state with all formality, here in my nakedness before you, I shall forsake all others to uphold this to you.”

At that, he looked me live in the eyes; He told me directly “remove these cuffs.” My heart sank, I was sure that would work. What else could I do but un-cuff him and watch him walk out of my life forever, for I had tried all I could think of. I removed the last cuff, all the while begging him not to leave. He said nothing just stared at me with a grimace. This is the first time in our relationship I could not tell what he was thinking. I was naked on the ground in front of him sobbing when he grabbed my shoulders and stood me erect. He said I should be standing as all Earths proud creatures do, to hear what he had to say.

He said this is the wrong alt yazılı porno place for this. He took me by the arm and led me to the back yard. Again he looked me live in the eyes, he had never been dead in the eyes to me. Then he opened his mouth and my heart stopped beating for a second. He said:

Here in my pure visible nakedness,

For all in the world before me to see,

I stand with a proud strong mans flawlessness

To simply state to all of thee:

You are to me all the love I wish.

You to me are the skies favorite bird

You to me are the seas favorite fish

You are fully language’s strongest word

Here I state, I belong to only you

Naked you stand before to accept me

No words may be spoken that are untrue

Now one; where two before were we.

With that I give to you all the worlds bliss

I form it together inside this kiss.

Then he kissed me. He gave me a sonnet in his vows and he kissed me. He proceeded to render me helpless in his arms as he held me crying the world’s most joyful tears. He lay me down in the grass and gave himself to me. He gave me religion that night. We tumbled in the cool spring grass. Together as one rhythm beating in time, our bodies mingled. I kissed every inch of him as he did the same to me. Up and down over his beautiful body.

He gently messaged my breasts with his tongue and I was happy to have him. As I straddled him we beat together in time. Perfectly matched, our timing brought us to minutes of lovemaking followed by hours of orgasm. I never screamed, he would bring me to the point and slow to prolong the process he was a master in the art as he is in everything he does. I almost could not believe he had been a virgin prior, if he hadn’t been so adamant about the fact in our earlier relationship. I even asked his exes none had ever known him as I know him now. He was in complete control, he brought us to a climax together, an orgasm that lasted until the morning dawned and I could not move as he had drained my body of all energy. He carried my limp body to the room and laid me on a bed of roses I had forgotten all about. He kissed me and told me not to move, as if I could.

I slept there with a smile he said, for an hour until he brought me breakfast in bed. He sat next to me and fed me with kisses between altyazılı sex izle each bite. When I finished he set the tray aside and straddled me. He held the door key in front of my face; “You really were not going to let me leave last night, were you” he joked. And threw the key on the floor. “Well this for that.” And he began to kiss me again. Up and down he moved and down and down until he was between me arousing my spirits again I began to moan as he began to play with my lips he knew exactly what to do. He proceeded to bring me up and up and at the point before climax he stopped. He just stopped. Stood up and started to put on his clothing. He said, with a smile on his face, “Always leave them wanting more.”

Not for a second was I about to let him do that to me. I jumped out of the bed and attacked him “Oh I want more, and I told you, you would not be leaving until I had my fill of you.” So you better call in dead today. Like he needed to, he was the boss. But he did, called and left a message on his secretaries voice mail, “Something’s come up, cancel or reschedule all my appointments today, apologize profusely and if they need, you handle it today, I don’t think I’ll be in at all. Thanks Moe.”

As he hung up I started growling and threw him on the bed. “This” I said “is for that.” Mocking what he had said and done to me earlier. I wanted to taste him so I did. I bent to the bed and positioned myself in front of him his legs hanging over the edge. I bent and took him in my mouth playfully bobbing tasting his sweet sweat I did not think he had showered but he obviously had while I slept. Oh he would be sweaty again soon enough. I played with him as he had done to me. As he groaned in that deep voice I only slowed to prolong his experience. He lied there with his head on the pillow, staring me in the Eyes every time I came up and looked at him. I love his body. But I had him down now and all he could do was give up and give in. I slowly brought him to orgasm and took in all of his seed. Careful to swallow every last holy drop of him I never tasted anything so salty sweet in my life. Then I climbed on him again and kissed him all the way up his masculine torso. To his tongue I went and gave him all my life breath as we breathed each other in I lowered myself to him and he needed no guiding. I sat there a moment feeling him inside me and he looked at me nearly pleading for more so I hopped and he moaned while his eyes begged me to stop the torture. Oh I had my man and I loved him in and out I moved him as I leaned forward to kiss him and up we went together to a heavenly state. Up…up…up…and up.

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