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This is a continuation from my previous “Unexpected Threesome” stories; although you shouldn’t need to have read them to enjoy this. The story was inspired by actual platonic relationships I observed in operation in similar circumstances. You can decide the likelihood of such a mismatched age relationship developing this way.
Ned, the owner of a yacht cruising the pacific and now in his early 60’s, has unexpectedly found himself seduced by his two long term crew – nubile girls in their late 20’s.
As before with these stories, I am indebted to the male friends who have assisted me with relating to the male mind and body; and the red wine that made the conversation flow and loosened lips.
The girls had been in a funny mood all that afternoon; especially Issie. Ned had no doubt it was because of the fairly wild and furious sex he’d had with Amy earlier in the day. It was of course all part of the deal; one on ones were permitted – even encouraged – while the other was aboard. And Issie had been the one who’d negotiated the rules surrounding that and had certainly made sure she’d got ahead of the game in getting her share.
But still, in the heat of the moment you tend to forget that the third person is aboard the boat. As Ned had vigorously banged Amy on the side deck, Issie had a grandstand view of proceedings through the cabin window. She’d seen every moment of it from Ned’s fingering of Amy through to the final animal like thrashing of their bodies together. She’d heard every intimate word and sexual cry and, being Issie, had masturbated to the show.
Ned liked the one on one’s; maybe even preferred them. He liked their intimacy; playing with the breasts and kissing the mouth of the person you were fucking was somehow better than the more random mashing of clits, tits, lips, cunts and cocks that went with a threesome.
Ned knew that Issie was a bit more sensitive to these things because deep down in her heart she knew that Ned had an obsession about the youthful nubile perfection of Amy’s body that Issie couldn’t fully compete with whatever intellectual bond they shared. But once Issie reacted strangely to the situation, Amy’s natural competitiveness meant she responded in her own way.
Ned knew it was a situation that had to be managed carefully; but was still feeling his way around it; in both meanings of that expression.
Mainly the funny mood manifested itself in a degree of friskiness on the girl’s part. For much of the afternoon they had taken every opportunity to be tactile with him. Here again Issie had taken the lead, but Amy always made sure she was there for whatever happened.
That was the funny thing about it. As far as Ned could tell they were very good friends; relaxed, playful and mutually supportive with and of each other and devoid of passive aggressiveness in their interaction. But each was careful to make sure they got a full measure of Ned’s attention; especially physical and sexual attention.
Just as a matter of politeness, Ned was in the habit of letting the girls process themselves through the bathroom first when getting ready for bed. On this night, when it was Issie’s turn she presented herself in front of Ned, standing close to him in her string tie bikini, looked up at him flirtatiously and simply said…
“Pull me.”
In the tropical air of Papeete, swimwear was pretty well their dawn to dusk clothing; minimalist bikinis for the girls and racing briefs for Ned. They would have been quite happy to go naked but at least wearing swimwear stopped them from having to carry around towels to sit on and let them go on deck without attracting the local gendarmes or offending neighbouring boats; or at least offending them any more than the knowledge that they were in a relationship where Ned was noisily screwing two girls half his age. Most of Issie’s bikinis didn’t have string tie bottoms; the one she had on was the exception.
Foolishly, it had taken Ned a few moments to process what it was she wanted. Yes, his brain had eventually deduced he was to pull the strings on her bikini to strip her for a shower. But as in those few moments his brain had initially scrolled through the possibilities, he’d noticed that Issie was showing a fair bit of raised nipple pushing out through the tiny flimsy material of her top.
Mischievously, Ned pinched the two nipples between his fingers and pulled them towards himself, feeling them rise further between his fingers as Issie, not braced for such an action, fell onto him, wrapping her arms around him.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know, but it looked like more fun.”
“What, more fun than undressing me?”
“I figure I still get to do that anyway.”
Ned took the hint and as Amy stood watching proceedings from just a metre away resting against the galley, he pulled each of Issie’s strings, tugging the stretchy material hard to pull the parts of the garment from out between their now closely joined together bodies. He held the bikini escort araban out, waiting for a now naked Issie to release him and deal with it.
Nothing happened.
“Are you going to let me go and have your shower?”
“Are you in a hurry?”
Ned looked over the top of Issie’s head at Amy, who was standing watching the whole thing somewhat bemused.
“No, but there’s a bit of a queue behind you for the bathroom.”
“If you insist.”
Issie unwrapped herself and took a step back, letting Ned bring the hand holding the bikini between their bodies to give it to her. Issie took her own moment to evaluate the situation, noticed that Ned’s manhood had now swollen in his pants and was stretching the material out and up over the drawstring at the waist, took the garment and draped it over the hook that formed.
“You can hold it for me.”
With that she turned away and Ned watched as she wiggled her cute little butt all the way into the bathroom.
As Issie closed the door behind her Amy stepped forward.
“Well, you can hold mine too.”
With that she pulled the bottom tie on her bikini top, slipped the top string over her head and hung the loop on Ned’s hook, tucking the residual knot provocatively inside the waistband of his swimmers; enlarging the hook further in the process. Then she slipped her pants off and did the same with the string side band of those; leaving herself standing naked in front of Ned.
For a moment she stood there looking with a faux po-face and silently challengingly eyes at Ned while he stared awkwardly back; trying to resist his eye’s tendency to drift down to her breasts. The silence was only broken when Amy’s eyes lowered themselves down to his swollen manhood and contemplated it for a moment before Amy exclaimed…
“Actually to save time you should get ready for your shower too.”
With that she knelt down in front of him, dipped her fingers inside his waistband to release the tie knot, unpeeled his swimmers off his erection and dropped them down to his feet; letting the accumulated bikini parts slip down to hang over the base of his erection, the soft material tickling his ball sack.
Amy waited while Ned lifted each foot to release his pants and then added it to the accumulation of clothing hanging on his cock.
Still kneeling with the tip of his erection right in front of her face, she looked up at Ned with a cloy grin.
“I haven’t tried one with a dressing before. I wonder what it tastes like.”
With that she bent his hardness down and sucked it into her mouth. Once, twice, a third time she drew it deeply into her mouth before withdrawing it and licking around the edge of the bell make exaggerated slurping noises. Then she looked up again.
“They taste the same with a dressing. In fact, even after you went swimming this afternoon I can still taste myself on you. Ode a cervix maybe. I like leaving my scent on you Ned; especially when it’s mixed with the taste of your cum.”
Amy stood up and pressed her nakedness against Ned’s; his erection surging uncontrollably against her stomach and weeping pre-cum into it. Almost flustered by her unexpected attentions and the speed with which it had happened, unsure how to respond to her mark of ownership, Ned was left silently wrapping his arms around her in response; fingers spread wide against her butt.
Pushing her mouth against his to silence any protest, she bent his erection out and guided it to penetrate her until she was pushed hard against him again, his manhood now buried unmovingly deep inside her; the various garments still tickling his thighs pinned hard into the base of his erection by the pressure of her sex.
“I thought I’d freshen it up a bit. Don’t wash it off in the shower.”
Even in port where the tanks can be topped up, water, especially hot water, is a scarce resource on a yacht. Showers need to be quick and efficient. All this had happened in the three minutes since Issie had closed the door. Now the water pressure pump went silent; indicating Issie had finished her shower.
As efficiently as she’d induced his penetration of her, Amy arched her butt out causing Ned to slip out of her, his erection springing upward to slap his stomach with a thump before it was again sandwiched between their pushed together bodies.
“Well, I better be ready to go in as Issie comes out.”
With that Amy let go of Ned and crossed the metre distance to lean against the bathroom door jamb; casually resting there when Issie opened the door and emerged naked. Issie briefly took in the scene; both of them naked, Amy next to her at the bathroom door, Ned a metre and a half away leaning on the galley half bulkhead, arms folded across his chest, manhood rampant and all of their swimwear now hanging from the base of his erection.
Whatever Issie thought of it, she didn’t react. As Amy entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her, Issie simply wrapped her arms around araban escort bayan Ned…
“I’ll see you in bed.”
“Don’t you want your bikini back?”
“You can deal with it.”
Quickly enough, Amy too finished her pre-bedtime preparation, surrendering the bathroom to Ned and heading off to bed with only a kiss of his cheek.
When Ned entered the bathroom he hung the pile of swimwear on a hook. As he showered himself, he reflected on Amy’s instruction…”I like my scent on you…don’t wash it off.” Actually, with a hand held shower and his manhood still standing proud, that was an easy instruction to follow.
The funny thing was that, with the girls’ sexual demands on him and the limited opportunities for washing on board the boat, there was rarely a moment he wasn’t marked by one of their scents, more so if Amy was right and a quick swim wasn’t enough to remove it. As they left port tomorrow, that was hardly going to improve as showers and even swims would be replaced by a quick hand wash.
Was that really what was happening between them all about? Subtle attempts to be the one whose scent marked him? Mind you, he was well aware that if he didn’t clean it often enough, the resulting odour would be anything but desirable.
Having finished his shower, Ned looked down at the girls from the head of the bunk, their young, naked, toned and nubile bodies laid out on the bed in front of him, their upward looking faces barely a tongue length from his again rapidly hardening manhood. Between them was a small gap; a gap intended for him, one he now had to crawl into without sticking his bare bum into one of their faces.
Even as he’d slid naked into the bed between them, he’d felt their hands caressing his skin and touching up his manhood. Given their mood, it didn’t especially surprise him.
Normally their full on sexual threesomes occurred each morning. After a tropical night spent sleeping naked, uncovered and exposed next to each other that just seemed to be the time when everyone was randiest. But tonight, after Ned had sex with Amy during the day, he wondered if Issie would be wanting to mark Ned with her scent; to use Amy’s turn of phrase.
Ned found it was interesting in the way a degree of competitiveness played out between the girls; or perhaps more precisely in the way they sought to interact with him. Even the way they always spooned and cuddled up close to him in bed instead of using the space they had to gain a separation was in contrast to Ned’s usual experience of women’s preferences and struck him as having that same competitive element.
Their normal bedtime routine was a kiss and very intimate, naked, full body contact cuddle. Sleeping between two naked women always seemed to leave Ned in a permanent state of arousal; basically from the moment he climbed into the bed with them until they drained him of his seed in the morning romp. So their goodnight cuddle generally found Ned weeping pre-cum onto their stomachs, but leaving it at that.
On this night Issie took her turn at it to be all over him like a rash, flipping him onto his back and straddling him with her legs in a way that left the tip of his erection thrust firmly into her crease and auto- surging along it; looking for the warm, wet void it was designed to penetrate. Her words were those of an intimate goodnight kiss, but her actions more closely matched those of a woman instigating sex. Ned could sense Amy was watching intently; stroking his arm in a way that made it clear she wasn’t to be left out of any romp that occurred.
And then, as suddenly as the initial rush at him, it seemed Issie changed her mind; rolled back onto her side and completed the goodnight routine in the usual way.
Somewhere during the night Ned awoke, lying on his side as was his habit, to find he had a dead lower arm and an erection, the tip of which, was resting on Amy’s hip; captured by the rise of her hip bone off the flatness of her lower stomach. His upper arm rested across her stomach.
In that first pleasurable moment of wakefulness he couldn’t stop it from surging; pushing its tip across to the rise of her mound where it felt it brush through the sparse, well-trimmed covering of her pubic hair. It felt delightful; a beacon of seduction sucking his manhood towards the pleasures of her sex. He could have happily laid there and kept doing it; even more happily leapt upon her and plunged his hard and primed shaft into her delectable body. But Amy was asleep, Issie on the other side of him. It was a desire that couldn’t and shouldn’t be fulfilled.
There was always something delightful about waking up facing Amy. In contrast to Ned, she always slept on her back. On this night she was a little higher in the bed than Ned, his line of vision under the gently feminine curve of her chin; straight at her breasts.
Even in the light of a partial moon, those perfect, perky orbs, capped by the most gorgeous nipples completely captured escort araban his attention. He couldn’t get past the fact they were absolutely spectacular. Amy’s body was a slim, strong 50 kg frame, her stomach and lower chest a flat board of well-toned flesh. Yet whether she was upright or on her back these c cup breasts rose perpendicularly out of it. He’d seen and felt enough to know they were real; so firm and yet so invitingly soft.
And even as she slept, he could see her nipples partly raised; the areola a raised plinth on which sat prominent buttons of pure symmetry and colour perfection. A sexual dream? Her body’s auto reaction to the intimate surge of his shaft? Was she really asleep? Ned’s brain filled with erotic desires.
They were breasts a man could obsess about and Ned did; constantly.
But the dead arm was insistent. He needed to roll over. Gently bouncing to roll in the same spot and not actually on to either Amy or Issie who was spooned into his back, he came face to face with Issie. Like Ned, she more often slept on her side. Unable, in the narrow gap permitted to him, to find a space to rest his now upper arm on the bed, nor to comfortably rest it on the point of his own hip, he laid it over Issie’s waist; struck as always by the sensuous curve of her soft flesh as it arced down from her hips. This was all by now a familiar routine and was generally a signal for Issie, in a half wakeful state, to push up against him; her mound against his erection and, arms permitting, her nipple against his chest; which she proceeded to do.
Ten minutes later Ned was on the point of dropping back off to sleep when he felt Issie’s hand move down between their bodies, grab his hardness and bend it down between her legs; sliding it through her wet crease a couple of times before Issie located its tip within her sex and shuffled herself, although it seemed to Ned more like her sex had sucked up his shaft, into a position of full penetration.
To keep jealousies at bay, the girls had proscribed they were each entitled to claim four individual quickies from Ned a week. But Issie’s included an entitlement to fall asleep with her body intimately joined to Ned; not so quick, but not as exhausting as some of their other demands either.
He’d wondered at the time she had first described how it would work and even whether he could do it.
Of course his hardness felt wonderful as she caused it to penetrate her. It always did. But once it was in, Issie simply slipped her lower arm between Ned’s shoulder and his pillow to embrace his back and cuddled up tightly to him without taking any action that would cause it to move. Ned too resisted the temptation to thrust and soon found that the initial sensitivity dulled to a pleasurable sense of joined intimacy.
Already drowsy when Issie initiated her coupling with him, Ned soon reached the unconscious state where time had no meaning.
The next thing he remembered was that he was playfully chasing Issie along the sandy shallows of a deserted tropical beach. Splashing through the water, she kept looking smilingly back at him, teasing him, challenging him to catch her, as she flaunted her bikini clad body with every stride. The splashes of water were glistening on her clear golden skin. The back of her bikini bottoms had become wet and were clinging delectably to the cheeks of her bottom; highlighting the power of her glutes as she ran. Every time she half turned to tease him he could see her breasts in profile, bouncing in their flimsy covering.
Ned caught her and wrapped her up in his arms as their intertwined bodies fell into the water. There was nothing gentle about what happened next. In a frenzy of desire they tore at each other’s clothing; Issie’s string tie bikini coming away quickly to Ned’s urgent pulls.
With a passion Ned had only then just discovered, there in the tepid shallows he mounted Issie, plunged his hardness through the swollen lips of her sex in a single thrust and made unrestrained love to her. Lying on her, his legs outside hers, he pounded her with massive sexual thrusts while she quickly started writhing under him is a state of orgasmic bliss. He sensed the moment had arrived when he was going to cum; his shaft sensitive and sending shivers of pleasure to his brain with every thrust.
In that instant he woke up, aware he was about to climax to a wet dream; momentarily astounded, since it wasn’t something he’d done since his younger years. It took a second longer for him to recognise he was actually penetrating a woman, his interrupted dream confusing his recall of the circumstances in which he drifted off to sleep some time ago.
Instinctively his body attempted a small thrust. But instead of Issie’s sex being wet and slippery with her lubricating juices, Ned found his still hard shaft almost glued into her by a viscous sticky mucus.
As he felt Issie contract her pelvic floor muscles to pulse her sex on his manhood, he only just managed to supress a groan as his brain was overwhelmed by pleasure and his ejaculate flooded her body, spraying her cervix with his seed.
To Ned’s surprise, Issie came too with that first hosing of her sex by his rope of cum; surprising because he’d done nothing to trigger it. The contractions of her orgasm pummelled his manhood, but his own orgasm was far from finished.
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