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“Sammy? Sammy!” his mother called from downstairs, the second time a bit more panicky and urgent even though she had hardly given him time to respond to the first.
Sam had been lying down on his bed, relieved that the weekend had finally arrived and thinking about what to jerk off to tonight. When he heard the familiar yet annoying sound of his mother calling he sighed, got up, and opened his bedroom door.
“Yes!” he yelled, just as she was about to call him a third time with an even more panicky voice.
“Amber’s coming over for the weekend tonight, so make sure you clean up that messy room of yours!”
Slightly annoyed, he was about to ask why his sister’s visit required his room being cleaned, but then remembered: her old room had had a make-over a few weeks ago, and was now dad’s hobby room. The powers that be, i.e. his parents, had decreed that from now on Amber would have to sleep on his bedroom’s futon during her visits. His room was the biggest after all, and Natasha’s room was definitely too small, and instead of being such a Mr. Grumpy Pants he should be happy to get to spend more quality time with his big sister. She only came over from uni once every two months and on holidays so it shouldn’t be a big deal, or so his parents claimed. This would be her first visit after this new arrangement had come into play, and he was dreading it already.
He definitely didn’t look forward to cleaning up his room, but it was the thought of having to give up the last bit of privacy he had in his parents’ house for the whole weekend that made him feel slightly depressed.
“Can’t I do it tomorrow? I’m pretty sure she doesn’t care about the mess. And it’s my room, isn’t it my business how messy it is?”
“Absolutely not! As long as you live under our roof you’ll still have to follow our rules, mister!”
Of course. It was his parents’ go-to mantra for everything these days, having magically replaced “Well, when you’re eighteen you can make your own decisions!” around the time of his eighteenth birthday six months ago. He realized he had to get out of this house, away from his loving, suffocating parents and find a place of his own. Unfortunately this was not going to happen until he went to college next year.
While he reluctantly did his chores, his thoughts drifted back to Am. Even though she was two years older than him, they had always been close when they were little. Much closer than either of them was with Natasha, his spoiled one-year-younger sister whose bossiness always got on his nerves. Not Amber though, he had always adored her and lovingly looked up to his bright big sister. Over the last few years though, they had unfortunately started to grow apart slowly.
Her moving out last year to enjoy campus life as an undergrad was part of it, but the main issue for him was the feelings he had started having for her long before that. During her teens she had changed from a nerdy adorable little schoolgirl into a beautiful voluptious woman. As he grew older and started noticing these things more he found that he was often involuntarily fantasizing about her. He knew it was wrong to think about his big sister like that, and it made him feel very awkward around her.
Summers were the worst, when it got so hot you had to be at the backyard pool if you wanted to be somewhat comfortable. She would be parading her hot body around in her revealing bathing suits and bikini tops. On her last visit he ended up having a hard time hiding the hard-on in his trunks from her and Natasha. He never knew where to look when she talked to him, trying hard to keep his eyes from her big tits sticking out. It made him blush and trip over his words.
The conflicting feelings of lust and shame had eventually lead to him avoiding her most of the time. Yet at the same time he felt more and more desire to look at her body and couldn’t get her curves out of his mind. Three months ago he had ‘accidentally’ walked in on her while she was having a shower on one of her visits. The infamous bathroom lock had been broken for as long as he could remember, and was still an indefinite item on one of dad’s many ‘to do’ lists. He had pushed the door open as quietly as he could, and she didn’t seem to have noticed him coming in. The glass shower wall only showed a blurred watery image of her body, but it had been detailed enough for him. The shape of her big breasts and dark nipples moving gently as she lifted her arms to apply shampoo to her hair, the dark patch of hair between her legs…
When she had started rubbing her breasts with soap it had gotten too much for him to bear.
He quickly went back to his room, and it didn’t take long for him to cum. Many tissues were spilled that week. It was those tits… He just couldn’t stop thinking about them. The fact that they were his big sister’s just made it hotter, even though he loved her and knew he shouldn’t be thinking about her like that.
Three months later he still occasionally used the mental image of her showering for gaziantep yavuzeli escort his jerk-off fantasies. It was easier to do while she was off at uni, as he could objectify her in his perverted mind as just another set of tits, mouth, pussy and ass like he did with so many other girls he jerked off to. But being confronted face to face with her pretty smile and loving nature just made him feel awkward. He never knew what to say or where to look, and felt ashamed of thinking such perverted things about the caring sister he had always looked up to so much.
Now she was going to be in his room all weekend; the only place where it was relatively safe to jerk off without Natasha or his parents walking in like clockwork. The shower was definitely not safe, as he had clearly demonstrated himself. It was going to be quite a challenge; he didn’t remember the last time he had gone for a full day without masturbating, let alone a whole weekend. Her being the subject of most of his sex fantasies definitely wouldn’t make it any easier.
Eventually, he decided to stop whining, be an adult and try to make the most of her visit. It wasn’t her fault he felt like this and he shouldn’t ruin her visit with his awkwardness. He finished cleaning up his room and prepared the futon for her.
When she arrived that night he didn’t know how to greet her. He always had trouble determining the appropriate ‘hug, hand shake or kiss’ protocol when greeting girls and women. It had caused many awkward half-hug-handshakes and unintentional air kisses in his time. But this felt worse, Am being his own sister.
She was wearing a tight white tank top that fit her like a glove, albeit a very small glove for she was practically busting out of it. He tried not to stare at her magnificent chest and looked at the ground instead. He raised his hand in some kind of awkward wave and mumbled:
“Hi sis.”
“Oh don’t you ‘hi sis’ me!” she said cheerfully. “Where’s my big little brother hug!”
Before he could replay she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him tightly like she always did. And as always, he couldn’t think of anything else but the feeling of her big tits pressing against him. They were so big and firm, and he could swear she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her top. At one point he even thought he could feel her nipples through her top and his shirt. The sensation made his dick grow instantly, and he had to break off the hug prematurely so she wouldn’t notice. As expected, he felt very self-conscious and didn’t know what to say.
Fortunately, their mother saved him.
“Dinner’s ready!”
At the dinner table Amber caught up with everybody, and told them about how great her time at the campus was. Sam tried to say as little as he could and just listened to her stories.
“So when do we get to meet this boyfriend of yours?” their father asked when they started dessert.
During her last visit she had told the family that she had been dating this guy she met at uni for a few months now, but so far she hadn’t told them much about him.
“I don’t know dad, maybe next time?”
“Oh, leave her alone,” mom intervened, and to Amber: “you can introduce him to us whenever you think is appropriate, dear!”
“Thanks mom!” Amber said and changed the subject.
Later that night they were hanging out in his room on their respective beds, chatting and watching bad Friday night movies and reruns on TV. He was doing his best to not be his uncomfortable self and have a nice conversation with her instead, but he had a hard time trying not to stare at her tits too much or think about what her pussy would taste like. She didn’t seem to notice though, and he tried to put it out of his mind.
“So tell me Sammy, how are things going at school?”
“Alright, I’m getting good grades. Not straight A’s like you of course but I can’t complain.”
“And are there any special girls in your life that you would like to tell your big sister about?” she teased, and winked. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell mom and dad.”
Again with the awkwardness. He thought for a moment of making something up to hide his embarrassment, because the truth was that he was very inexperienced with girls and hardly got any attention from them. He had already made up some stories for his classmates, but decided against doing that now. He knew he could always be honest with Amber.
“Not really, I guess they think I’m kind of weird.”
“Oh no! Don’t let anybody think you’re weird little bro, you’re very handsome and a great catch. I’m sure the perfect girl will walk into your room one of these days!”
“I hope so,” he said, thinking that she already had.
“Oh before I forget: I come bearing a gift as a token of appreciation for your generous hospitality, brother!” she said in a serious religious tone, and took something out of her bag.
It was a bottle of Schnapps.
“I thought since you’re still stuck gaziantep yeni escort here with mom and dad and little miss princess you might as well enjoy a little college spirit! You got a glass?”
He got up and rinsed out the toothbrush glass that had been on the sink in his room, and she filled it with liquor until it almost spilled over the sides. He quickly slurped up some of it and went back to his bed.
“Cheers!” they said, as he raised his glass and she raised the bottle. They both took a swig.
“Ah, that’s the stuff!” he said. “Better not let mom and dad see this though, or Natasha for that matter. She’ll definitely tell them. They’re very-“
“I know I know, ‘while you live under our roof you’ll have to follow our rules young lady, and I will not allow any alcohol in this house!'” she said in a perfect parody of one their mother’s catch phrases. They both laughed, and Sam started to feel a bit more relaxed.
“It’s so much fun that we get to sleep together again, just like old times huh Sammy?”
He was taken aback for a moment, thinking she had somehow picked up what he had been trying to push out of his perverted mind. He was just about to make some kind of excuse when he realized she was talking about the time when they were little and his room was being redecorated. He had been 6, she had been 8, and he had slept on a spare bed in her room for several weeks. He idolized his big sister back then, and would love it when she tucked him in and read him stories each night before going to bed. He smiled sheepishly, relieved that she was talking about a time so innocent and uncomplicated. Before she had become his sex fantasy.
“Yes,” he said, “does that mean you’ll be reading me a story later too like old times?”
She laughed.
“Maybe, if you behave like a good boy, but if you’re naughty I’ll have to punish you!”
His mind was already starting to turn that last comment into some kind of kinky scenario, so he quickly changed the subject in order to have a normal, pleasant conversation again.
“So how are things going with you and what’s his name?”
“Oh yeah, right.”
“Yes, we’re still together, and things are going well.”
He couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous.
“So what’s he like?” he asked. “How come you never mention him? I’m sure mom and dad would like to hear more about him too.”
“He’s alright.” She said with a hint of indifference. “I guess I’ll just wait introducing him to mom and dad until we’ve been going out a bit longer.”
“So is he into the same things as you are?” he asked.
Amber had always been a bit of a bookworm with a love for art and politics. While most girls her age were out partying with boys, she spent her teens going to museums and reading. Plenty of guys from school had shown an interest in her, but she mostly brushed them off politely. Sam had once asked her why, and she replied that none of them had the same interests as her.
“Not really, she said, he doesn’t read much, he’s more of a TV and video games kind of guy.”
“Is he following the same subjects you are?”
“No, actually a few months ago he decided academics wasn’t for him and quit. At the moment he’s still looking for a job opportunity that agrees with him.”
“Do you go to museums and festivals together a lot?”
“No he’s not really into art either, unless it’s the art of lighting up.” she joked. “I tried to take him to an exhibition a few times but he just doesn’t have the attention span if it’s not some kind of sports game.”
Sam was starting to wonder what she was seeing in this guy. It didn’t sound like they had much in common at all, and frankly he didn’t sound like someone who could provide any kind of intellectual challenge for her.
“So what do you like about him? Is he like super romantic or attentive? Good sense of humor?”
“Sure,” she said. It didn’t sound very convincing, slightly defensive even. “I mean he’s usually up till pretty late and gets up late as well, so our schedules don’t always match. But he often takes me for a drive when we go hang out with his friends to watch a game. Or he’ll come over and I’ll cook for him while he plays his games.”
This guy started to sound worse and worse, a boring inattentive loser not worthy of his bright big sister.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what do you see in this guy? He doesn’t really sound all that great, or even someone you would be into to begin with.”
“Well… Let’s just say I have my reasons for being with him, young man!” she said in a mock berating tone, then added: “Or rather: ‘reason’.” She giggled a little while looking down, then quickly added: “And it’s none of your business by the way!”
She stuck out her tongue like she used to when they were kids, and he returned the gesture.
“Come on, now I’m curious!” he said. “What’s this reason that makes him worth your divine affection?”
He said it as a gaziantep zayıf escort joke, but meant every word of it.
“No! Just forget I said anything!” she said and looked slightly embarrassed.
“Rock paper scissors?” I suggested, remembering how we often settled things when we were younger.
“I see, scared of losing again huh?”
Amber had always been extremely competitive, and he knew she could never resist a challenge for a bet or a game. One thing she could stand even less was losing, and many of their board games had become airborne as she flung them through the room when they were little. He assumed this probably hadn’t changed much, and tried to push her buttons. He turned out to be right.
“As if! Alright little boy, you’re on. What do I get if I win?”
“Well, it would only be fair if I’ll tell you MY secret in that case!” he said without thinking.
“What secret?” she said.
“Don’t play and you’ll never know!” he said teasingly.
He had no idea what he would tell her if he were to lose, since the only secret he could think of was one she could never know about. He would have to make something up if he lost. But he had a feeling he could beat the odds.
“Alright string bean, it’s go time!” she said, and held out her fist.
“Rock. Paper. Scissors!”
As expected, she started out with rock and so did Sam. If her predictable pattern had not changed in the last few years, she would now switch to paper. As expected, he beat her in round two with scissors.
“Wraa! Well I’m still not telling!” she said quickly and stuck her tongue out again.
“Oh no, you cannot just throw the sacred rock paper scissor convention out the window like that, or we’ll all be savages in no time. Let’s hear it, now!”
“Alright…” she said reluctantly and took another large gulp from the bottle. She was blushing a little as she continued with a slightly hushed voice. “Let’s just say… that it’s a reason that’s a whopping six inches long…”
She quickly took another swig and couldn’t look him in the eye. For a moment he didn’t know what to say. What the hell was she even talking about? He could think of one thing of course, but… no that was probably just his perverted mind twisting things again. Also it wouldn’t really make much sense. But then he saw her face turning a darker red during his silence, and he couldn’t come up with any other interpretation.
“Am, you’re not talking about his… dick are you?” he asked incredulously.
She was visibly embarrassed and took another sip.
“What can I say, I guess your big sister just has a bit of a thing for big dicks, little bro.” she said jokingly, but visibly uncomfortable.
“Yeah… I can understand that, but what does the ‘6 inch’ part have to do with that? That’s really not that big you know.”
“What? Of course it is!” she said slightly offended again.
“It really isn’t, in fact it’s quite average. Hell, my dick is bigger than that, quite a lot bigger actually!” he blurted out, immediately regretting this awkward statement. He made a mental note to stop drinking Schnapps and keep his stupid awkward mouth shut. She didn’t seem to take offense though.
“Yeah right! You wish bro!” she laughed and threw a pillow at him. He awkwardly threw it back with hardly any force.
“What can I say, it really is!”
He couldn’t believe he was sitting here trying to convince his own sexy sister how big his dick was! It was definitely a lot bigger than 6 inches though, that much was certain. He had done the measurements, so he would know. He took another big gulp from the cup.
“But Ray says it’s a lot bigger than average!” she said, hesitating slightly.
Sam started to understand what had happened. Amber had never paid much attention to boys, and probably had never even seen an erect penis during her teens. He was pretty sure she didn’t watch porn either, so she wouldn’t have had any reference material when she hooked up with this Ray douche. He had taken advantage of her inexperience in order to compensate for being the boring loser that he was. He had convinced her that he was really big, rather than just in the middle of the bell curve. Now she just took his lameness for granted because she thought he was exceptionally well hung.
“Well, Ray sounds like a bit of a liar then!”
“Pfff, you’re just jealous!” she said slightly offended.
“Hah, no reason to be!”
Alright then, ‘stud’, how big is yours?
“Why would I tell you? You don’t believe me anyway.”
“Come on, just tell me!”
“Fine, the last time I measured it was 9.1 inches.”
“Oh come ON! I think you have yourself confused with the actors in those movies you like to watch so much according to Natasha. Either that, or you’re suffering from delusions of grandeur!”
Sam stuck his tongue out again, and she also returned the gesture.
“Alright, believe what you want to believe… as long as you’re happy with your ‘whopping’ 6 inches!” he teased and lay back on his bed to look at his tablet.
She went back to reading her book, and nobody spoke for the rest of the movie except the TV. When the time came to go to bed he brushed his teeth and stripped down to his shirt and boxers. Just as he was about to get under the duvet, she asked:
“Aren’t you going to leave the room so I can change?”
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