Loving Rita Ch. 04

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Chapter 4: Lucy and Joey

In “Loving Rita,” I and Rita, my 58 years old neighbor on Lake Lausanne became lovers; in Ch. 2, Maria and Brian became lovers; in Ch. 3, Lucy, Rita’s friend is loved by young Joey. In this chapter, Joey and Lucy continue to be lovers. Hope you enjoy this story; please don’t forget to vote. Thanks. Andru.

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As young Joey drove home from Tony’s restaurant, Lucy talked about her friendship with Rita:

“After her husband, Calvin, died, Rita and Chris became lovers; Chris was a widower and a friend. I heard Chris is making love to her just about every day he is with her; he is younger than her,” paused, giggled, and cooed:

“Just like you and me,” and, as she rubbed Joey’s cock lump, said:

“Rita was worried about me being so lonely after John died. I’m sure she’ll be happy to know I’m getting lots of loving,” and kissed Joey on his cheek.

Joey mumbled, “Lucy, I had a crush on you for a long time. I am a lucky guy.”

At Lucy’s home, after Joey closed the garage, he and Lucy went in holding hands. Lucy just removed her shoes in the living room, when Joey quickly hugged her from behind.

A surprised Lucy squealed happily, and Joey turned her around and started to kiss her plentiful cleavage; willingly, Lucy let Joey kiss her cleavage and neck, and fondle her boobs, and buttocks.

“I’ve been turned on all evening; you looked beautiful and voluptuous in the restaurant,” whispered Joey.

Still kissing Lucy’s cleavage, Joey, mumbled:

“Take off the dress; nothing else,” and helped Lucy take off her dress.

“Just lovely,” mumbled Joey and resumed kissing Lucy’s cleavage and neck; he fondled her meaty thighs and buttocks.

Joey fell to his knees and kissed Lucy’s black garter belt-adorned and black panties-covered crotch. He licked her panties-covered slit and decided he wanted more. Joey led Lucy to the dining table, gently lifted a giggling Lucy on to the table, removed her panties, and spread her thighs; then, he sat in a chair as if he wanted to eat a meal and proceeded to eat Lucy’s nectar-filled pussy.

Joey lifted his head from Lucy’s crotch and said, “It’s pretty; I love its lips and clit,” and ran his fingers through her long, blonde, pubes.

After a while, Lucy lifted her head and shyly cooed, “This morning, I saw couple of gray pubes. Can you find them?”

Eagerly, Joey looked for gray pubes in Rita’s dense bush at the top, and on the right and left sides by using his fingers as a comb. During the process, he saw that Lucy trimmed her pubes to heart shape, but does not cut them to shorten them.

Joey whispered, “Can’t find any grey pubes,” and, after lifting each stockinged leg, slowly kissed it from her thigh to her sexy feet.

Lucy cooed, “Baby, stand up; pull out your baton,” and, Joey pulled his erect cock from his pants.

After lifting herself on her elbows, Lucy lovingly grasped Joey’s erect baton with her stockinged feet, and cooed:

“John loved to be jacked off with my stockinged feet.”

Joey mumbled, “I like it too, but I like eating your pussy better,” making a pleased Lucy blush.

After Joey licked and sucked her pussy for a few minutes, an aroused Lucy cooed:

“Baby, this table is not comfortable; after I freshen up, let’s get comfortable in bed.”

After, Joey helped Lucy sit up and get off the table, she kissed him and said:

“See you upstairs baby. Please lock all doors.”

Several minutes later, Lucy was applying a fresh coat of lipstick in her bathroom when she saw Joey’s smiling, flushed, face in the mirror; Lucy giggled and cooed:

“What do you want? I’m coming to bed soon.”

As a naked Joey poked his stiff cock in to her ass; Lucy saw in the mirror Joey’s large, young, hands, holding her large boobs, as he kissed her wrinkled neck passionately.

Mumbling endearments, “Lovely black silk lingerie; love the pearls,” gently, Joey turned Lucy to face him and with his hands in her arm pits, lifted her to sit on the well-lit vanity.

Lucy mildly protested, “Not in the bathroom,” but did not resist Joey’s amorous advances.

As Lucy watched mesmerized, Joey lifted her thighs, moved forward between her spread thighs, and slowly snaked his stiff, precum-slickened, cock in to her saliva-slickened pussy.

Thrilled with having her pussy stuffed with Joey’s massive cock, Lucy leaned back on her hands, lifted her crotch, and watched in awe Joey’s face as he fucked her energetically.

After a few minutes, Joey paused, kissed her wrinkled neck and mouth, fondled and sucked her sagging boobs, and went back to vigorously fucking Lucy’s snug, juicy, and pussy.

Lucy thought, “This is pure sex; Joey knows I’m enjoying this fucking. He’s definitely enjoying.”

Again, Joey paused, hugged Lucy tightly in an embrace, crushed his chest against Lucy’s well-endowed chest, and pistoned his cock in and out of her pussy; Lucy hugged Joey and adjusted her crotch so that their crotches collided, making slapping sounds.

Lucy mumbled, “Baby, I’m close; keep going,” and buried gaziantep escort bayan tanıtımları her face in Joey’s chest, mumbling:

“Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhh. Haaaaaaa. Babyyyyyyyy.”

Joey slowed pumping to savor Lucy’s pussy pulsing on his cock. Sensing Joey’s cock was close to erupting, Lucy cooed:

“Let it go baby,” and clenched her vaginal channel around Joey’s massive cock. Soon, Joey ejaculated jets of his cum deep in Lucy’s pussy:

“Fuckkkk. Fuckkk. Greattttt. Ohhhhh.”

After a few minutes, Joey slowly withdrew his cock from Lucy’s pussy, along with a large amount of his cum, and kissed Lucy on her cheek. A happy Lucy mumbled:

“That was awesome; thank you,” saw Joey’s cock shriveled and, while grasping it, cooed:

“It does go down! You made a large deposit in my pussy.”

Joey smiled and mumbled: “My balls are empty.”

Holding hands, the two tired lovers walked to Lucy’s bed. Softly, Joey whispered:

“Leave on the lingerie and the pearls, please.”

Soon Joey and Lucy fell asleep in each other’s arms. After about midnight, Joey woke up and saw Lucy’s lingerie in disarray as she was lying on her left side. Still sleepy, Joey saw Lucy’s voluptuous ass; it looked very inviting. He raised his head and saw one boob was in the bra and the other completely out. He felt her pubes were still wet with his cum and her nectars. While poking his now erect cock in her ass, Joey started kissing Lucy on her neck, lips, and the unfettered boob. After a few minutes, as Lucy moaned with pleasure, Joey massaged her clit and slick slit with his fingers.

Lucy giggled, turned her head, kissed Joey’s cheek, grasped Joey’s cock, and mumbled:

“It’s hard again. You want to love me so soon?” and after settling comfortably on her back, opened her arms, and cooed:

“Baby, go ahead, fuck me.”

Willingly, Joey took Lucy in the missionary position; he fucked her for a few minutes and rested; fucked her some more and rested again. Joey repeated the cycle several times, when Lucy started cumming:

“Cummming. Ohhhhhhhh. Wonderrrrful.”

Joey slowed plunging and savored Lucy’s spasming cunt on his cock.

“Baby, that was a nice surprise,” cooed Lucy and continued:

“Go deep; touch my cervix,” and, with hands on her knees, pulled them up towards her chest.

Joey felt Lucy’s cervix flutter around his flared cockhead, bringing him closer to his climax; he shortened his plunging strokes leaving his cockhead as close to her fluid cervix as possible.

Lovingly, Lucy cooed, “You like?”

Joey mumbled, “Yes, awesome.”

Joey felt his climax cumming: with his cockhead being massaged by Lucy’s cervix, he arched his back so as not to put all his weight on Lucy, buried his face in her wrinkled neck, and released another large load of cum deep in Lucy’s pussy:

“Fuckkkk. Goddddddd. Fuckkkkkkk.”

Later, Joey mumbled, “That was incredible,” and, as he hugged and French kissed Lucy, pulled out his cum-coated cock, and fell asleep after sliding next to Lucy.


Lucy woke up and, seeing Joey still asleep, took a shower, dried her hair, put on shorts and a short-sleeve blouse, applied light make up, and started a load of laundry; later, she looked outside and saw it was a beautiful, sunny, day.

At about 9 a.m., Joey woke up, showered, and got dressed in shorts and a tee shirt. He fixed himself a cup of coffee from the coffee maker and found Lucy was weeding a flower bed.

“I’ve to tell mom about mail that came in.”

Lucy said, “Have breakfast with me. You need nourishment,” and served scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, toast, and coffee.

While they were eating, Lucy said, “I need help cutting a branch off a tree at the back and moving some fallen branches.”

“No problem. I will cut the branch after breakfast,” and continued:

“After I talk to my parents, I’ve to play basket ball; it’s my weekend exercise. I’ll be back about 12:30 or so,” said Joey.

“That’s fine; I’ve a few errands to do.”

Joey whispered, “Lucy, seeing you in the black lingerie and pearls was one of my fantasies,” and, after a pause, continued:

“I’ve told you my fantasies. I’m sure you have several.”

Shyly, Lucy cooed, “Mine is to be close to nature,” and, with a big grin, added:

“It’s going to be a nice warm afternoon; we’ll have lunch in the gazebo.”

After breakfast, Joey cut the branch and, after kissing and hugging Lucy, left for home. He called his mom and told her about the few bills that came in the mail. His mom said:


“Your grand dad, my dad, had a stroke. We will stay in Ohio for a while; your dad is looking for a job with his company in Ohio; I’m happy to be close to my parents: an hour’s drive, instead of a seven hour one,” and added:

“I’m sorry we didn’t consult you; we know you’re happy with college and all; but, mom needs help taking care of my Dad.”

His mom then suggested, “May be ‘aunt’ Lucy could gaziantep escort bayan telefonları watch over you.”

Joey, shrewdly, suggested, “Mom, I’m a big boy; but, if it helps ease your mind, it’s ok if you talk to Lucy; I’ve been helping her with yard work.”

“Ok, Joey, I’ll call Lucy right away. Grand dad may not live long. You take care. Call if you need anything,” and hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Joey’s Mom called Lucy, and told her the news of their staying in Ohio for an extended period of time; she requested her to watch over Joey; she also suggested that Joey should help her more around her home. A surprised Lucy, without showing she was excited, agreed to watch over Joey, but noted: “He seems to have grown up so much.”

Joey played a vigorous game of basket ball with a bunch of guys at the YMCA for couple of hours and, after showering, he put on a pair of khaki shorts, blue tank top, and sandals, and a dab of cologne on his face. When he reached Lucy’s home, he saw her in the kitchen dressed in a simple house coat and was sipping water.

Joey said, “Sorry, I’m late; we had a good game going; I got carried away playing,” and, after he kissed her, mumbled:

“Hmmm you smell good.”

Joey hugged Lucy in a tight embrace, and French kissed her mouth. After the kiss ended, Lucy giggled and said,

“I missed you too; just poured myself a glass of water. Here is yours,” and, after handing Joey his glass, giggled and said:

“You’re clever; you let your mom tell me to take care of you. I love to take care of you,” and hugged Joey lovingly.

“I was surprised by the developments, but didn’t want to seem too eager to be taken care by you,” said Joey.

Lucy’s phone rang. It was Joey’s mom asking Lucy to inform Joey that his grand dad died and tell him to fly home to attend the funeral. From the tone of Lucy’s voice, Joey knew it was not good news.

After hanging up the phone, Lucy hugged Joey tenderly, and said:

“It’s your grand dad. The funeral is on Tuesday. You have to leave for Cleveland today. You need to call the airlines. I’ll drive you to the airport.”

A stunned Joey just nodded his head and sat down. He said:

“Please call the airlines and make a reservation. I liked my grand dad. I adore my grandma Ellie. He traveled a lot and drank a lot. He was much older than grandma. I don’t know how grandma managed with him not being home much.”

After a pause, Joey added:

“I wish you could go with me, but I know that’s not a realistic thought.”

Lucy just nodded and began to make phone calls to airlines; later that evening, she drove Joey to the airport.

In Ohio, Joey kept himself busy taking care of his grandma who was holding up well and still looked attractive. Two days after the funeral, as he sat in the living room with his mom and grandma, his mom said:

“You should be thinking of going back. Your dad and I will stay here for some more time. Dad did not take care of mom for many years; she had a difficult time. I wish my mom can find herself a nice guy, may be a younger man,” and added thoughtfully:

“I’m glad Lucy is there to take care of you. You always liked her since you were a kid. Be nice to her; she’s a good woman. She’s been a widow a long time.”

Cautiously, Joey mumbled, “Yes mom.”

Joey’s grandma interjected, “I remember Lucy; she’s a good looking woman,” and added:

“As a kid, you used to follow her when ever she came over to your home.”

Joey diverted the conversation by saying to grandma Ellie:

“When you are ready to go out, I can introduce you to my basketball coach, Tony; he’s a widower.”

Ellie sensing something in Joey, said:

“Let’s talk in my garden,” and went outside followed by Joey.

Outside, Ellie whispered to Joey:

“We all love you. All we want is for you to be happy. Nothing else matters.”

After hugging Joey, Ellie gave him two hundred dollars and said:

“Have a good time,” and winked at him.

Joey didn’t tell his mom and grandma that he was planning on taking Lucy to a concert at the university on Saturday. He wondered if his mother and grandma knew that he and Lucy were lovers. He called the airlines to reserve a seat to Lawrenceville on Saturday morning. That night, Joey called Lucy and requested her to pick him up at the Lawrenceville airport on Saturday.

At the Lawrenceville airport, Joey saw Lucy was dressed in blue shorts and a black tank top under a light jacket. He hugged her tenderly first and, after he felt Lucy’s voluptuous body, passionately.

“I missed you. I’m glad to see you,” cooed Lucy.

“I missed you too, baby,” whispered Joey.

Before she got in her car, Lucy took off her light jacket, and Joey felt his cock stiffen when he saw her bare arms and tank top-clad chest. After she sat in her car, instinctively, Lucy leaned towards Joey, hugged him, and kissed his cheek. In turn, Joey hugged Lucy and French kissed her mouth passionately. As Lucy drove, Joey gaziantep escort bayan videoları rubbed her bare arms and knees, and filled in details of his visit with his mom and grandma.

When Joey mentioned that his mom again told him to take care of her, Lucy smiled and cooed:

“I’ll make sure you take care of me,” and giggled happily.


After they reached home from the airport, Lucy hugged Joey passionately, smiled, and said:

“I need to freshen up,” and went to her bedroom; after several minutes, she returned in a house coat and cooed:

“You must be hungry. Let’s have lunch in the gazebo as I promised a week ago; John loved to spend afternoons there,” and handed him a basket of food and a bottle of Zinfandel.

As they walked to the gazebo, Joey asked, “Wine with lunch?”

Lucy smiled, giggled, and said, “It’s to celebrate us taking care of each other.”

After eating sandwiches and potato chips for lunch, Lucy put the dishes in the basket, and smiling at Joey, cooed:

“On a beautiful day like today, John made love to me here and, sometimes, with me leaning against that tree,” and after pointing to a large oak tree about 15 ft away, removed her house coat.

Joey saw Lucy was dressed in a black see through blouse, and all black silk lingerie: stockings, garters, and garter belt; open-crotch panties, and open cup bra; he was stunned by her elegance and voluptuousness. She had on high-heel shoes. Still smiling, Lucy reached in to the picnic basket, slowly pulled out his favorite pearl necklace, and cooed to him:

“Baby, hook this necklace, please,” and held the necklace at the back of her neck.

Eagerly, Joey stood behind Lucy and after hooking the pearl necklace, hugged her, and grasped her bra-supported boobs. Lucy squealed happily, giggled, and moaned with pleasure as she felt Joey squeeze her boobs and pinch her nipples, and his stiff baton poking her ass.

Joey said, “Your look lovely, very sexy, and different.”

Shyly, Lucy cooed,

“I know you like me in silk stockings, garters, and garter belt, and I’m wearing those,” and blushing, continued:

“I wanted you to enjoy my boobs; I know how much you love them. So, I bought this open-cup bra.”

Joey, fondling Lucy’s boobs, mumbled:

“They look lovely; they’re lifted up sexily.”

“I also put perfume in all your favorite places,” cooed Lucy.

Joey, mumbled, “Love this bra; it lets your boobs spill out,” and continued to squeeze Lucy’s boobs and pinch her nipples.

As Joey gently steered Lucy to a well-upholstered, comfortable, sofa, Lucy cooed:

“Baby, it’s nice and warm here; take off your clothes,” and, after he undressed, gently grasped his erect cock and cooed:

“I’ve been thinking of you all morning; my pussy’s juicy for you.”

“I’ve not jacked off at grandma’s; saved it for us,” whispered Joey.

After Joey sat comfortably in the sofa, he helped Lucy to first sit in his lap facing him and then stuff his hard cock in to her juicy pussy.

After Joey resumed fondling her boobs and buttocks, Lucy’s juicy pussy was stretched fully, she French kissed his mouth passionately, and cooed:

“John also loved my boobs, but you are obsessed with them,” and squealed happily when suddenly, Joey started suckling her nipples.

Pausing for a minute, Joey asked:

“What’s it John liked about that oak tree?”

“He loved to take me leaning against the oak tree; something about the sunlight streaming through the tree tops on to my body triggered the wild side in him.”

Joey mumbled, “Sounds like lots of fun. Did you enjoy it?”

Shyly, Lucy cooed, “Yes. I received great loving under that oak tree,” and after a pause, cooed:

“Let’s do it under the oak tree,” and, after slowly getting off of Joey’s erect cock, led him by his hand to the oak tree.

Joey ran his hand over the tree trunk and said, “It’s smooth; John must have worked on it.”

Lucy giggled and said, “Yes, he spent much time making the trunk surface smooth. He had a soft covered-foam wrap custom made; it’s in the tool shed in a plastic bag and easy to attach; go get it.”

After Joey attached the wrap around the tree trunk with Velcro, Lucy turned and stood against the oak tree in her high-heel shoes, black stockings, garter belt; open-crotch panties; she draped the see through black blouse around her shoulders; her large, sagging boobs, spilled out of the open-cup bra and hung sexily on her chest.

“John used to go crazy seeing me standing here dressed like this. You like?”

Joey whispered, “You look beautiful in the sunlight,” as his cock twitched wildly and precum leaked from its slit.

Lucy then opened her arms and cooed:

“I’m yours Joey,” and bent her right knee and opened her thighs.

Joey took a step forward, hugged Lucy, and kissed her mouth passionately. Much to her surprise and delight, Joey slowly slid to his knees, resting on a bed of leaves, and looked up at Lucy’s well-adorned crotch, protruding tummy, her drooping boobs, and her beautiful, smiling, passion-filled, face looking at him.

As Lucy lovingly held his hair, Joey started licking her aroused pussy and clit, and sucked her slick nectar. A passion-filled Joey stood up, French kissed Lucy’s mouth passionately, and holding his big cock in his hand, aimed it at her pussy, and slowly snaked it in. After enjoying the snug fit for a short time, Joey fucked Lucy steadily for several minutes.

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