I’ve Missed This

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i am very new to writing, thoughts and comments are very appreciated.

you just came back home from college, to try and find a job here. I never left, finished college last year, started working as a clinical art therapist at childrens hospital. during college you would come home for Christmas so I saw you a few times but now near as much as I would have liked to. but that doesn’t matter now because your back. 
you called me last week and asked me over for dinner Friday. I couldn’t tell you no. 
I’m supposed to meet you  at 7 and I get off work at 4, all I can think about during the day is seeing you again, how tall you probably are now, you seem to be taller everytime I see you unless I started shrinking prematurely. your smile. your laugh. the way you pick me up to hug me. and what to wear. I don’t have a clue. so once I get home I shower and shave. i pause to really look at myself in the mirror. over the past few years ive finally started to look my age instead of 14, my bra size went from A to C, my waist line has filled out and I can’t walk down the halls at work without the male nurses eyes following me, or the female nurses glaring through me with jealousy. I let my long blonde hair air dry while I try to find something to wear. I finally settle on a blue dress that stops about mid-thigh and has an open back. a lace black thong and no bra. black heels which are pointless in the sense that any height they give me wont close the gap anymore. 6:30. I definitely have butterflies as I climb into my car and head toward your apartment. I pull up at 6:55 and debate being early or on time. you make the decision for me when you call me telling me I better come inside now or suffer the consequences. whatever that means. I leave my phone in my glove box, get out of the car and start up the walk to the house. you open the door for me when you see me, a smile  spread across your face. we sit down to eat, and catch up on the past few years, job searches, relationships and just life in general. 
afterwards we settle onto the couch and I curl otele gelen escort up into your side as you flip through channels, I trace the veins in your hand and your wrist. you finally pick a foreign movie that we both know we won’t watch. you look down at me and kiss me on the forehead before leaning down even more to bite the top of my ear and whisper that I am yours until tomorrow and you are free to use me how you like. I shiver, not sure if it’s from the bite or from your voice vibrating in my ear. I scoot closer to you and you slip your arm around me into my dress and grab my boob tightly, causing me to gasp which results in a stern glance from you. I bite my lower lip and promise myself to be quiet. you bring your other hand up to my neck and trace the veins in it with your teeth, I shiver and squirm, attempting to move out of your reach but you tightly pull me closer to you and then I know I’m stuck. I look at you and you just laugh. you move your hand from my boob and move it down to drum on my hip and trace it. it makes me jump slightly and I bite my lip, immediately stop moving and don’t dare look up at you. the hand that had been on my neck is now encircling my throat and pushing me back against the couch struggling for air. you growl in my ear that if I struggle, move or make a noise you’ll make sure I regret it. I try nodding my head but your hand is still around my throat which makes it difficult to let you know that I understand. in a instant your hands are off me and your walking across the room, shooting me a look that glues me to my seat. I see you coming back with a few things. you see me looking and tell me to stand up and close my eyes. the first thing I feel is a blindfold sliding over my eyes. I take a deep breath and try to relax. I start to lose my balance but you catch me, next I feel something circling around my wrists, securing them together behind my back. you then lead me back over to the couch and sit me down, then walk away. you rustle some things around and then I feel your hands on mecidiyeköy escort the back of my head pushing me forward towards your cock, once I feel it touch my lips I open my mouth and take you in. your hands are still on the back if my head, winding my hair around your fingers, pulling it then pushing you down my throat, I start gagging and try to move back but you hold me there as tears start to fall. you finally let me up for a second, and only a second. I take the chance to take a breath before you do the same thing over and over until I can take it. 

you lift up the blindfold for a moment and tell me to look at you, which I do with tear stained eyes. I keep looking at you as you force yourself back into my mouth and cause me to gag again, you pull my hair hard. I wince in pain but dont make a noise, deciding to not find out the punishment yet. you pull yourself out of my mouth but still hold my head. you smile at me and then pull the blindfold back down. then you let go and help me to stand up. then you’re carrying me like a baby, into your bedroom. you lay me down on the bed gently, but then roughly flip me over onto my stomach and drag me by my feet to the edge of the bed then prop me up on my knees and yank my dress up above my ass so you can see my thong, you squeeze my ass hard once then slowly pull it down, grazing my lower back with your teeth which makes me whimper. you slap my ass hard once and your voice is immediately growling in my ear, daring me to make another sound. I bite my lip and sit still. I feel your hands on my ass again, rubbing where you’d just slapped me. your fingers drum over the pink handprint. I wince and bite my lip hard but don’t move. you slip one hand farther down and run a finger across my clit, sending an electrical current through my veins. you sense this and continue toying with it, until you can see my wetness dripping down my thigh. you slide one finger inside me and I jump. I curse myself in my head for being so weak yet again. you keep your finger inside me and I dont feel a hand on my ass so I türkmen escort become anxious. suddenly your rolling my clit between your thumb and forefinger. I want to cry out but bite my tongue instead. you are torturing me. you slide another finger into me and begin working them in and out fast and hard. I push back against you trying to force them deeper. that deserves another slap across the ass, this time harder then the last. I don’t move a muscle in fear of being punished more severely.  then your fingers are gone and you’re on top of me, i can feel your weight on my back, I feel your breath on my neck, I feel your teeth graze my shoulder blade, around the edge then along my spine up to my neck where you bite me hard. one hand closes around my throat, the other reaches underneath to pinch my nipples. I struggle to breath and my eyes roll back. you sit back on your knees bringing me up with you, you then hook your elbow around my throat  and you breath on my neck. I want to struggle and fight but my hands are still tied. I can’t move at all and I can’t do anything when your free hand goes reaches between my legs to find     my hole and slowly guides your hard cock into me. I whimper. you pull out, push my face onto the bed and hold it there as you slam back into me over and over. you grab a fistful of hair and twist it around your hand you pull my head back and slam into me hard, I whimper again, I can’t help it. you slap my ass hard at the same time you let go of my hair and grab my throat,you wait two long seconds before slowly pushing back into me. you let go of my throat and grab my hips with both hands. you start fucking me hard, pulling my body back to meet your thrusts. I bite my lip so hard it begins to bleed, you move your hands to my shoulders then drag your nails down my back to my hips again. that’s when I lose it, I cum hard as your still moving in and out of me faster and faster. I can feel you getting closer and you grab my hips tightly and slam into me hard, bringing me out of my world and I cum again with you. you begin to slow down and loosen your grip on my hips. you pull out and lean over to kiss my wrists as your untie them, rubbing them to get circulation back in my hands. you kiss all the way up my spine to the base of my neck, up to my ear where you whisper “I love you” before slipping off the blindfold and taking me into your arms. 

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32