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We had a busy morning after making our way to the barn and feeding the animals before anything else. According to my dazzling partner, we had plenty to do for the day, so after divvying out the chores, we went straight to work. It sounded like my first task for the day would be gathering firewood for the upcoming winter from the forest surrounding the property.As I chopped at the wood with sweat dripping from my brow, a million thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to put the pieces of this bewildering puzzle together. Lilith and the elderly woman hated each other…but were still able to somehow coexist. It went without saying that I had no idea how far back their situation went. How long had the old bat’s husband, Albert, been dead? When I had first arrived on the property, she had told me he had passed away a few years earlier…but I had no way of knowing if she was speaking the truth.While pondering that one, I moved on and wondered why Lilith would stay in such a place due to the obvious tension between her and the aged homeowner. Sure, the blue-hued angel with red streaks running through her dark tresses stood out in a crowd, but just because she looked different didn’t mean she couldn’t get away from this little corner of the map. Why did she feel obligated to stay and carry out work for the old crone?Speaking of one of my least favorite people to deal with, I had the sudden revelation and wondered just how long I would be staying in the aged house. There was no way the old hag was going to let me stick around indefinitely…and the fact that she would need to leave sooner rather than later had me thinking my departure would have to be in the very near future. She had already tried earlier in the day to run an errand when she had been upset about the orange juice, but she had involuntarily huffed back in since my pickup was blocking her extended driveway. I felt like it was only a matter of time before she was forced to find someone to repair my faltering vehicle.And perhaps the biggest question of all: Where were we? Due to everything I had been through recently, I had found the need to get away and just drive with no real destination in mind. I had hit the open road because I didn’t want to ever take the chance of harming Eve due to the post-traumatic stress I had from my time away from the regular world around me, and pushing the pedal to the metal, I followed the road to this lonely neck of the woods in the middle of nowhere. I thought heavily about that for a few minutes as I realized I had gone quite a ways without seeing any kind of town or even an outpost of some kind. It was almost as if this house and the land it sat upon existed in its own little corner of the world…I stopped swinging the axe long enough to wipe the flowing sweat from my forehead. My mind was now going in two different directions as I tried to figure out where I could possibly be while at the same time thinking about Eve. It really started to hit me how much I loved the woman…and how easily I ended up in the arms of Lilith. I wasn’t the type of man to easily succumb to temptation when I had a good thing going…so why did I so readily cave to the blue-skinned beauty’s feminine wiles? She was without a doubt one of the most gorgeous creatures I had ever laid eyes on, but that shouldn’t have swayed me in the least. I had always prided myself on my loyalty, so why…?I shoved my left hand in my corresponding pocket and realized I had left Eve’s earrings on the nightstand back in my room. Unable to believe that I had forgot to grab them, I angrily gripped the axe once more and started to take my frustration out on the mighty ash in front of me. So many thoughts were swimming through my mind. I kept telling myself that the most important thing I could do was to get Lilith as far away from this place as possible. Something about the entire setting was giving me doubts that gnawed at my very insides. I had seen some unbelievable shit overseas while traveling with the enigmatic trio I mentioned earlier, but I had never been this on edge in my life. There was a lot more going on here than I was privy to.As I continued chopping away for the best firewood I could secure, the last thing I remember thinking about before getting interrupted was what the old bat had mentioned earlier in the day when saying that she was going to leave for the orange juice. She had mentioned, “I’m going to drive into the village and grab a few things.” Obviously, there was some kind of settlement or established community nearby. It may have been my fault for taking to the road without mapping out where I was going, but we were evidently close to some form of actual society. For a moment, I wondered if it could possibly be within walking distance…“Marcus?”It must have been some sight, but I think I nearly jumped a mile. I did mention that I was interrupted, right?Lilith giggled when she realized she had frightened me. It was truly adorable the way she took pleasure in the small things in life.I know I’ve pointed Sex hikayeleri it out numerous times before, but after traveling with the secret operatives for nearly two years of my life and seeing some of the seediest things the world has to offer, it should go without saying that I had become hardened to a good many things. Still, I had never been so jittery…and on this small stretch of woods and farmland, I found myself wincing at the most minimal things. I knew my fight or flight response was keeping me on my toes for a reason.It then hit me how Lilith had spoken my name in such a dulcet tone. I had never been so happy to hear my proper designation in all my life, and such a simple thing had me thrilled beyond imagining.Lilith angled her head in such a way so she could make eye contact with me as those beautiful red lips of hers curved into a devious smile. At first, I had wondered if she came to fetch me for another chore since I had lost all track of time and figured it was time to move on, but the second I saw those rosy lips begin to express their fondness in the form of a calculating smirk…“How are things coming on your end, Lilith?” I asked as I put the axe down and used the bottom of my shirt to wipe the perspiration off my face.“Gonna come?” The blue-skinned beauty energetically shot back as her face lit up and she clasped her hands together.I felt a flutter in my pants at the very thought of bending Lilith over in the woods and plowing away. As much as the very notion appealed to me, I tried to shake the thought from my mind since I had so many other things on my plate to worry about. I truly had convinced myself that I needed to come up with a plan to get the two of us away from the obscure property…and the sooner the better. I may have wanted my dick cozied away in Lilith’s soft pink more than anything, but I had to stay focused on what legitimately mattered.In a matter of milliseconds, Lilith suddenly threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me in close as she planted her lips on mine and snaked her tongue into my mouth. I felt her body pressing up against mine, and as my hands went to her sides, I felt my manhood begin to pulse and throb below. I may not have been able to see them, but I’m pretty sure that both of her splendid bosoms were spilling out of the sides of her overalls.As I was backed into the nearest tree trunk, I did my best to combat the temptation coursing through my veins since I knew we had bigger things to focus on…but Lilith had a hold on me that I had trouble opposing. I don’t think it’s farfetched to say that any man in my position would’ve felt the same way, and while the rational side of me was screaming that now wasn’t the time for libidinous behavior, there was no way I could deny my body its desire for sensuous satisfaction.While Lilith maintained the bulk of the control, my hands finally worked their way upward and grabbed the two straps holding her overalls on. Like an animal, I began yanking them off her shoulders and down her arms. She aided me as she continued to kiss me while lowering her limbs so I could get the attire to begin its descent. The top panel fell with the straps and freed her superb breasts. When the garments become lodged on her hips, she began to wiggle about until they finally fell to her ankles. She was free of her clothed confinement.Now it was my turn. As Lilith stepped out of her overalls and kicked them off to the side, our passionate kiss continued to consume the both of us as I lifted my arms and allowed her to rip my shirt off. The second she had it over my head, the raven-tressed beauty threw it without a care as to where it landed. She gave me one more unbridled kiss before suddenly dropping down and tearing at my pants like a woman possessed. Unlike the previous day when she hadn’t known what could be found beneath my trousers, the blue-skinned stunner knew exactly what she was in for…and she wanted it.I couldn’t help but chuckle when I thought for a moment that Lilith was actually going to wreck my zipper and possibly tear my pants. I probably shouldn’t have found it as humorous as I did since my stiffening cock was directly below and could’ve been caught in the crossfire, but just watching that ravishing ball of energy as she vivaciously rummaged for my hard-on had me hot to trot like never before.When my prick popped out in full view of the delighted woman below me, she quite literally inched back and cooed in glee. She could see the veiny pole growing right before her very eyes as she suddenly took it in her grasp and wrapped her full lips around it. She was ready to drain it of its juices.With my back to the mighty ash I had been chopping wood from, I let my head recline back as my mouth fell open and I placed a hand on my companion’s head. I felt every pass she made as her head thundered back and forth across my length, and the ecstasy sweeping through my body took me to a whole new level of consciousness. Somehow, every woe Sikiş hikayeleri I had in the entire world was erased from my mind as the only thing I could comprehend was the feel of those luscious lips on my solid dick. Any worries in my existence didn’t matter in that moment of singularity.My cock didn’t remain in Lilith’s oral orifice for long. The lustful young woman knew exactly what she wanted…and I don’t think she would’ve taken “no” for an answer as she suddenly climbed back to her feet and grabbed my hands so she could pull me forward. I stumbled a bit at first since I had forgotten that my pants were still around my ankles, but my mindful companion realized my predicament at the same time and acted as support as I stepped out of them. Once she had me a few feet away from the tree, she traded positions with me. I wondered what she had in mind…Lilith placed her left hand against the bole of the ash and then stood with her right side to me while lifting her leg of the same side in order for me to hold on to it. When I had it supported in my grasp with her foot draped over my shoulder, she left herself wide open to me…and beckoned to me to insert something between those sleek limbs of hers.I carefully inched my way forward since I didn’t want to throw my ravishing compeer off balance. While holding her leg in one arm against my body, I used my free hand to guide my rigid prick toward the pink hole I wanted so wholeheartedly to invade. I closed my eyes the instant I felt the tip against the soft labia, and then my mouth fell open to emit a grunt of satisfaction as the head of my cock entered paradise. When I heard a squeal from Lilith that mirrored my sentiments, I knew we were on the right track. We were about to have another unforgettable encounter as my sizzling sausage made its way forward to scramble her eggs.I hugged my arms around Lilith’s right leg and went to town as I listened to that marvelous female yip and yelp in jubilation. Again, I found myself forgetting about everything else going on in the world as I, too, entered a state of perpetual bliss. The more I moved back and forth inside of Lilith, the more slippery and sodden we became.The climate was balmy for the time of year it was, and since the sun was still shining bright, the two of us took full advantage as we made lustful, passionate love out in the middle of nature. I was convinced that if there happened to be any stags and does watching from the seclusion of the trees, they were probably learning a thing or two as we went at it.I pulverized Lilith’s love hole from that position for a good three or four minutes and only let up when I could feel the nails of her right hand beginning to dig into my chest as she used it for support. I took that as a sign to ease up and that she more than likely needed a break. I wasn’t about to bring any kind of harm to my lovely partner in crime.I stood before the blue-skinned beauty with my cock aimed directly at her as she straightened herself out and caught her breath. She smiled at me on a couple of occasions as she ran a hand between her legs to feel the wetness we had created. She then playfully gave me a quick kiss on the left cheek before turning her back to me and placing both hands against the trunk of the tree while leaning forward. After doing so, she raised her ass in the air and presented me with an entirely different angle at which to penetrate her from. Those blue buns looked absolutely perfect as I licked my lips and stepped forward.I licked my right hand and gave myself a few quick tugs before grabbing onto Lilith’s left hip. Keeping the fingers of my right hand clasped around my manhood, I positioned myself just right and guided my throbbing piece of meat into my companion’s soaked slit yet again. Once I was inside, I placed my right hand on her other hip and held on for dear life as I picked up speed. I thoroughly trounced that tiny crevasse as Lilith begged me for more. I felt her surge and swell as her soft insides enveloped my manhood. To show how much I cared, I leaned forward and began covering her back in kisses. Eventually, those kisses morphed into licks as I drenched her back in saliva. Around her, I seemed to become uncivilized.Another few minutes elapsed until the blue-hued cutie began slapping her hands against the bole of the tree before her in submission. I instantly pulled out since I interpreted the sign as a need of conceding, and upon doing so, I watched as her knees began to knock and her body convulsed. She began to squeal in delight, and even though I knew she was enjoying a riveting orgasm, I still had to ask if she was all right. She answered by letting her juices flow freely as they ran down both sides of her legs. She was euphoric as she reveled in the apex of her sexual furor.Seeing what had befallen the enticing young woman, I could no longer hold back my need to ejaculate. I took my rigid rod in my right hand and whacked away just as I had done earlier with the axe against the limbs Erotik hikaye of the tree. I beat my meat into submission until I felt that all too familiar sensation overtaking my very being. I announced my orgasm…and as Lilith continued to tremble in front of me while bent over and fingering her dripping slit, she retorted, “Gonna cum! Gonna cum!”I blasted a hot load of thick sperm all over the blue buns of the fascinating woman. I shouted like I was in the thick of battle and watched as my first salvo hit the left bun in front of me and exploded upon impact. The second did much of the same as it splattered like a gallon of milk being thrown off the top of a house only to contact pavement below. I continued to fire my Gatling gun while hooting and hollering like a damn banshee at the same time. At that moment, I would’ve gladly defied any man to claim he had unloaded more semen in one sexual outing than I did in that moment. I didn’t seem to be stopping as I continued to discharge shot after gratifying shot. I felt like I was truly on top of the world.When I finally reached the end of the line, I thought I was going to keel over since I felt so darn dehydrated. I realized I could’ve used a drink of water, but I didn’t have a bottle with me. I should’ve known that Lilith seemed to already have some kind of rapport with me and knew exactly what I desired…and even though she wanted to take a moment to marvel at the massive amount of cream across her backside while frolicking about covered in it, she needed to suck down some refreshing water as well. She instantly grabbed one of my hands and led me to the brook she had flailed about in the previous day.I was a little hesitant to drink from the trickling waters at first, but after cupping up some of the liquid and raising it to my mouth to sip, I found the fluid to be quite exhilarating. I daresay it tasted even better than the water I had consumed earlier with my breakfast…although everyone knows how that little event ended.We spent a few minutes cleaning up after our midday romp, and Lilith even used her body language at one point to command me to sit still. Upon doing so, I felt her soft hands as they placed water across my back and washed me off. It felt both relaxing and stimulating at the same time, but I did my best to ignore the latter feeling since we still had a little work to do.Once we were all cleaned up and back at it – the actual work, that is – I felt my stomach begin to growl since we had been unable to consume a good portion of our breakfast. I found myself momentarily wondering if the old bat would have a lunch prepared for us back at the house, but I decided to follow Lilith’s lead and continue working. If we ended up laboring away through the day without a break, dinner would only be all the more gratifying.Besides, if Lilith could keep up the hard work without a break, I knew I could do no less. *Remembering that we had quit for the day around four o’clock the previous afternoon, I realized that we had a couple hours left to finish up the day’s chores. I also recognized that I had gulped down way too much water back at the brook after my “extracurricular activities” with Lilith. As the old saying went, I had to pee like the proverbial racehorse, and while I knew I could whip it out almost anywhere on the property and relieve myself without consequence, I decided to tell Lilith that I was going to run back to the house in order to use the bathroom. Since we were in the barn, it would be a short jaunt there and back that would take me no more than a few minutes.My raven-tressed companion looked a little tentative at first. She still didn’t communicate with many words around me, so instead of saying her piece, she acted out how she would generally “pop a squat” out behind the barn when she had to go. I chuckled in response and told her that I would be quick. She had nothing to worry about.The thing was, I would’ve done exactly as she suggested under normal circumstances…but in actuality, I really wanted to go into the house. After indulging in yet another invigorating bout of copulation with my blue-skinned companion, I was even more determined to find a way to get her as far away from this lonely stretch of land as possible. I was more convinced than ever before that the old bat who apparently owned the property was holding my darling Lilith against her will somehow, and I was more resolved than ever before to see to her safety. I wanted to know the truth of what was going on in this bizarre neck of the woods.I placed a hand on Lilith’s left cheek and informed her with a smile, “I’ll be in and out.”The dark-haired beauty then placed her hands together almost like she was making a praying motion, but then she set her face against the back side of her left hand in order to convey a message about sleeping. I quickly realized that she meant the elderly homeowner was taking a nap.This made things all the better.Again, I tried to make my lovely companion feel more at ease as I reached out and gave her a pat on her left bicep. “You worry too much, Lilith! I won’t wake her! Besides, I really like to wash my hands after relieving myself, so just give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back!”Reluctantly, Lilith finally nodded.
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