Danger Wank

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To his right was a brand new box of man-sized tissues and a small bottle of baby oil, Harry’s favourite lubricant. To his left was a small digital alarm clock, correct to within one second. He sat on the edge of his bed, anxiously wringing his hands as he watched the time tick by ever so slowly. Just two minutes remained before the start of his greatest challenge to date. At exactly 15:55, his roommate Oscar’s lecture would end and he would begin to make his way back to their shared room. It would take Oscar at least four minutes to reach the dorm, probably more like six, and that was all the time that Harry had. He could not afford to take any longer. What was there to be gained from such rokettube risky behaviour? Nothing. Nothing but the sheer thrill of knowing you might, at any moment, be caught with your pants down, literally. Nothing but the smug satisfaction of keeping this dirty, little secret all to yourself. If he got caught, though, he would never be allowed to forget it. The embarrassment would be devastating and Oscar would never look at him the same again. To watch the last minute pass was agonising. Harry’s hand twitched in anticipation on his lap; beads of sweat emerged on his forehead, ready. With ten seconds to go, it crossed his mind to quit before he had even started – perhaps the risk asyalı porno was too great. What if Oscar’s class had finished early? What if he walked in at the climactic moment? What if… The clock struck 15:55 and the question vanished – he was doing this. He pulled his jeans down to below his arse, just low enough to get at his dick easily. He grabbed the limp flesh in his hand and attempted to stimulate it, closing his eyes to tap into the “wank bank” of his imagination. There were no visual aids allowed in the Danger Wank; you had to work from scratch. Graphic image after graphic image flashed through his mind, each trying desperately to entice a rush azeri porno of blood southward. The last girl he had fucked; the last boob he had squeezed; the last pussy he’d licked. His cock swelled a little, allowing him to finally get a good grip, forty-five seconds already gone. He remembered a porn video he had watched the previous day, how the muscle-bound stud had flung the tiny, stunning girl to the bed and mercilessly pushed his impressive cock into her, eliciting an erotic moan. His erection was solidifying but time was passing quickly. With his free hand he grabbed the baby oil, dextrously flipping the cap open and squirting a generous amount onto his gradually growing cock and the hand so furiously beating it. He was hard now but he had lost focus and an orgasm seemed far off. The slippery sensation helped his imagination; he could just about pretend, if he really concentrated, that he was sliding in and out of a warm, wet cunt.

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