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I had never felt so lonely in my life as the day I returned to my home after cremating my wife. Suddenly I realised just how much I missed her and had depended on her always being there by my side. I had to be truthful with myself I had taken her for granted, for she never complained, but must have been in extreme pain these last few months until that dreaded ‘C’ took her away.
From the time I took her to the hospital, for she said she could take the pain no longer, until the time she was gone, was only three days. For those three days I sat by her bedside with my son’s wife Jenny. Jenny was the only one who came to visit her in these last three days. My other sons, their wives and grandchildren made no appearance. The excuses they gave were pathetic. We were going to visit her at the week-end, we can’t get time off work, I had to attend meetings every night this week, but not Jenny, she had taken a week off work, in order to help me with the arrangements. If only my other sons had been more considerate. Peter, Jenny’s husband and my son was abroad when Terry took ill, but he managed to arrive back to attend the funeral. He had to return straight after.
They had all turned up for the funeral, no doubt to get the sympathy of others who had attended. Now I knew who I could depend on in an emergency.
For three months I lived in the house alone, the house I had built for Terry myself and our four sons. Terry and I were school-yard sweethearts, we married very young, and so we grew up with our children, in fact Terry was the only woman I ever have had sex with.
We had been lucky, winning enough money when we were eighteen, to build this house, with two children and another on the way. This was our one and only home, for we had lived in her parents home, prior to moving in here. Now the children have flown the coop, all marrying young, but not as young as we had.
It was Peter who approached me. “Dad for the next year I will be travelling back and forth overseas to here and Jenny hates living on her own, can she come and stay here, she will be company for you. I will pay for her keep and mine when I come back and forth, the intervals could be between a couple of days to a few weeks, I just don’t know.” Peter was a trouble shooter for an oil company, what that was I had no idea except he had a good wage and that’s about all.
Peter should have let Jenny continue working, I know she only had a low paid job but she was out there mixing with people. I know she wasn’t the brightest of women, but she had a kind heart and was always willing to help anyone in need.
“Jenny would be on her own, for I work five days a week at the university, so she is going to be on her own here Peter,” I told him.
“Dad I don’t want her working where she had been, you never know what is going to happen. Working in a mental ward as a maid, is not what I want my wife doing,” he shot back.
“What if I can get her a job at my place, she can travel back and forward with me.”
“Could you, I wouldn’t mind her getting a job at the university,” he said and looking a bit more at ease.
So even before Jenny moved in, I got her a temporary position as a data processor operator in the Student Services. She was good on a computer and had Data entry experience, so she easily got the position before the other rabble that had applied.
Peter and Jenny moved in, storing all there spare things and occupying the other which had been Peters old bedroom with a shared bathroom off the room which held their spare possessions. This way Jenny didn’t have to go far, if she suddenly found she needed something which was packed.
Jenny was not a skinny modern type, neither was she fat, a nice covering and someone nice to cuddle up to I thought. She had dark wavy hair, sometimes combed down, other times in a pony tail and even in a bun. She refused to get it cut, and I have heard her and Peter argue over this, he himself had very short hair. Jenny had a nice body as most 22 year old women have, and didn’t mind flaunting it. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.’ was her saying whenever any comment came up about too short a dress, or of showing too much cleavage.
Never having had any daughters of our own, it took me a little while to get used to having a young woman in the house. Also now my other two daughters-in-law visited and were in and out more than I have ever seen them. I was enjoying having the young ladies making a fuss over me, which helped me get over the loss of my wife and after all I was only 40 myself and was still sexually active until my wife departed. Now I was becoming more aroused than I ever had been, with seeing a young woman moving about the house, sometimes in a state of undress.
Jenny, Lyn, Bob’s wife and Dimples, Ray’s wife seemed to be spending a lot of early evenings together. Lyn was only 19, blonde and busty, Dimples was 20 and as her name suggested was plump and blond also, she too, in fact all three were well stacked in the bust department. Whilst watching TV, most evenings I had these three lounging Ankara travesti all over the lounge room. Legs spread wide and straight out, one foot up on the chair moving their knee from side to side, undone fronts, you name it those three young ladies done it without removing a piece of clothing, I saw it all.
Granted they were relaxed and joked between themselves, I was just a piece of furniture and ignored, no not ignored, for there wasn’t an hour passed that I didn’t get a kiss on the cheek, or a hug, even spread out on my lap. Pops that was what they called me; it was if they thought I was immune from the sight of their young female bodies. That was as far as it got for a couple of months.
One evening Jenny got a telephone call from Peter telling her he wouldn’t be home for two months. He had been home last week and expected to be back next week, now there was no chance of his early return. I was sitting in my usual chair watching TV and Jenny was almost in tears on the settee after getting the call, looking real down in the mouth.
“Come on Jenny I’ll give you a cuddle to make up for your disappointment.” This wasn’t something new, all three of my son’s wives have sat on my lap and got a cuddle, there was nothing in it, just acting like a big family. Jenny came over right away and put her left arm around my neck and sat on my lap, right on top of my semi-hard-on. There was no way in this world could she not feel it, for she was only wearing a thin housecoat panties and bra, which was her normal dress for padding around the house.
The other arm went round also and she had my head in a head lock almost hugging me, pressing her breasts into me. Her perfume and the slight acidly sweat smell filled my nostrils. Again nothing out of the ordinary, I was trying to get used to all this show of affection from the three wives. This time she moved back a bit and brought her mouth down onto mine and kissed me with an open mouth and her tongue probed looking for mine. She ground her lips onto mine and then took her mouth away and looked at me.
“Pops I have wanted to do that for a very long time, you have been so kind to the three of us too, you are more than a father-in-law to me, and you are dearer to me than Peter can ever be. Please don’t reject me, hold me tight, please!” she said raising her voice.
Without hesitation I done as she wanted and she rested her head on my shoulder and slid down my body to make herself comfortable, with her legs over the arm of the chair and her hip now between my thighs. After about ten minutes she was asleep as I held her, just like holding a little girl. Jenny I liked better than all the others. Everyone has a favourite and Jenny was mine, I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
About ten-thirty I stood up and lifted Jenny up also, walked through to her bedroom and laid her on the bed, pulled a quilt up over her and tiptoed out of the room, closing the door gently.
I went and had a shower and got into my bed. Since it was summer time I slept nude. I’m not that brave in the winter and wear thick pyjamas. I have no problem dropping off to sleep and almost as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.
Something woke me, but I was in that state one is when woken in the middle of the night half dozy, but I heard the soft foot falls, then the covers being drawn back and a warm naked body slip in and cuddle up to me. It could be no-one else but Jenny, for there was only her and I in the house. I slipped my arm under her and she rested her head on my shoulder with her arm around me and her leg over mine.
I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer and that was how we slept for the rest of the night. Needless to say I was as hard as a rock and had a boner that hard it hurt; I went to sleep with one and woke up the next morning in the same state.
When I woke, Jenny was looking at me. Like a real idiot I said “Hi” would you believe.
“Thanks Pop, for everything, I knew I could trust you and now you have proved to me I was right. You do respect a woman.”
“Jenny, you just don’t know what you have done to me.”
“Oh, yes I do and I am sorry I have got you into this state. Go and have a cold shower that will calm you down.”
She then got out of bed and with no modesty at all, leant over and kissed me. “Pop, I’ll be sleeping with you from now on and you needn’t be such a gentleman from now on.” Then she kissed me on the lips like a butterfly touches a flower and kept her lips there for about ten seconds. “I love you,” she said as she left the bedroom her breasts bouncing on her chest and her bottom with a little wiggle.
I lay back onto the pillow and just stared at the ceiling. What have I done to warrant all this affection? Could I satisfy such a voluptuous young woman? What is Peter going to say? I looked at the time and jumped out of bed, for now I was running late and had to have breakfast and dress for work. So any thoughts of Jenny were removed from my mind for this period of time.
As I drove Jenny to Antalya travesti work, I kept glancing over to look at her. I just couldn’t believe she had said these things this morning. It was funny, I gave thought more to what she had said, than the fact that she had crawled into my bed naked, as if that was a natural thing to happen. Nothing of the subject was spoken and she just cut in with her usual chatter we normally had on the way to work.
We spent our lunch breaks together, but instead of sitting at opposite sides of the six person tables she sat close alongside of me. It was obvious she wanted to be close to me and I wasn’t objecting at all. I sat with the men I usually sat with for the ten years I have worked here, playing cribbage, but now Jenny sat close as though interested in how the game was played, with a hand on my thigh just at the knee, nothing that would draw attention to us, but I think more of a comfort for her. It was for me, for I knew she was by my side when I felt her hand resting there.
Everything was normal as it always was, we helped in the kitchen to cook the evening meal, we had prepared the evening before. Sat down on opposite sides of the table and ate our meal. Still neither of us brought up the subject of this morning. Then as usual the other two, Lyn and Dimples bounced in, for there was no other word for the way they entered. Lyn started making the coffee and we all sat at the table and drank it with the usual banter that went on between them.
After everything was cleared away, the preparations for to-morrows meal, our lunch boxes were packed and placed in the refrigerator we all moved in to the lounge so I could watch the news. These three couldn’t care less what went on in the wide world; all they were interested in was their own little world. Again I was given flashes of nylon clad vulva’s and ample thighs as they stretched and lounged, whilst talking to one another. I was watching Jenny though and she was watching me with a little smile on her face.
I still got my hugs and kisses from the others even Jenny, and for a time I had Lyn perched on my lap, pretending to make passionate love to me. Then it struck me, was this all play, or is there more to all this flashing, hugs and kisses I have been receiving. But no way in this world was I ever going to make the first move, to even try and prove it one way or the other. Not even with Jenny, I will just let things flow their natural course and see what happens. What are their husbands doing, if they spend nearly every evening up to about 7-30 to 8 pm here with me and Jenny.
The only one I don’t see up here is Daphnia, Frank’s wife, but she has two young children to care for. Daphnia and Frank both work and the children are in day care, so she hasn’t much time on her hands, so I don’t expect her to keep calling into see me.
Jenny went to the door to see them off, she locked the front door for the night and came right back into the room and sat on my lap as she had done the night before. “Now I have you all to myself,” she said bringing her full red lips down onto mine and plunging her tongue between my lips forcing them open. How sweet she tasted and so soft she felt, as I held her to me. I had forgotten how soft a woman of her ages skin felt, not only soft but pliable. It had a freshness which didn’t stay for very long. Here in my arms was a woman at the peak of her womanhood and she was willingly giving me access to all she had, for the house coat she usually wore was now open, revealing me her scantly dressed body.
My right hand was resting on her outer thigh, but she removed one hand from around my neck and lifted my hand and placed it between her legs just above her knee. Then she returned her arm around my neck, not once removing her soft lips from mine.
There was no denying what she intended me to do now, her skin was so soft here, that my mind flashed back to my early marriage days. I had only been with one other woman and that was my departed wife, I had no need to, I loved her deeply and we were contented in each others company. Now I was with another woman who seemed to like my company and I must say truthfully I enjoyed hers. Our relationship was now quite different from just only yesterday, for now she was offering me her body. Should I continue, my body was screaming for me to, but my conscious was screaming no.
The body won and my hand started caressing and moving up her thigh. The skin was now even smoother still, as I reached the junction of her legs and I could feel her heat through the thin gossamer material of her panties against the side of my hand. Not only heat, but a dampness which had soaked through the material. It was very soft and spongy, dare I go the one step further. Her panties were of the high hip variety and the crotch just moved out of the way by the pressure of my little finger and now I had my middle finger into her damp crack.
“Oh Pops, I love you, and you can do anything with my body, just let me stay with you,” she said in my ear.
Her İstanbul travesti speaking brought me back to my senses and I removed my hand and put it around her so that the flat of the hand was against her back and drew her closer.
“Jenny this is wrong, you are Peter’s wife I should respect you and protect you.”
“Pops, he has another woman, he has been seen in the city, when he was meant to be abroad, why do you think I was so upset last night. Not only did I get a call from him but also a friend of mine who saw Peter in the foyer of a hotel in the city yesterday afternoon.”
“She must have been mistaken,” I replied, automatically coming to the defence of my son. Surely he wouldn’t stray when he had a beautiful woman like Jenny, who he had only married ten months previous.
“No, she took a photo with her mobile cell phone and is giving Lyn a copy to show me. I will know if it is true tomorrow. Since its Friday Lyn will be round early with it after she goes and sees her friend.”
Lyn doesn’t work on a Friday, She works Sunday to Thursday.
“Jenny I am so sorry, I really am sweetheart, why would he cheat on you like that?” What a hypocrite I am, I thought, here I had my wife’s son in my arms and minutes earlier had my finger up his wife’s cunt and I’m calling him a cheat.
“That’s alright Pops; our marriage I knew had the skids on it after only the first two months. He had been seen with another woman even then. I stayed with him so I could be near you. I have loved you from the first time I was introduced to you. I saw how much you loved Terry and wished you would love me that much too.”
“Stop calling me Pops, you make me feel ancient, it’s Charlie, so start calling me that. I still think Peter is a stupid fool looking at another woman when you are here.”
“He thinks I’m dumb, maybe I am, compared to all his college women, I can’t help it, I just want to be wanted,” she said now tears running down her cheeks.
“Well you are here, Jenny.”
“I am, do you really mean it?”
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t,” I said pulling her closer and kissing her on her tear soaked mouth, even tasting sweeter than ever. “Come on it’s time for our cuppa,” I said lifting her up and placing her feet on the floor. We went into the kitchen together, Jenny with her housecoat wide open, showing me her lithe body. It was the same as I could see thousands of women on a beach display, but somehow this was more intimate.
We had our drink and I went and showered, as she done also. Then she padded into the bedroom with her hair freshly combed, wearing her housecoat, which she quickly removed and threw on the bed revealing, once more her complete naked body. She saw me watching her and she pirouetted in front of me. “Do you like?” Then lifted the bedding and came into my arms.
She had doused herself in perfume not a heavy perfume but a light subtle one, to me she smelt divine. “I think you look and smell wonderful, and appreciate you sharing my bed.”
“I can’t ask for more than that, but I do love you, so very much, Charlie,” she said emphasising my name, as our lips again met and heaven surrounded me.
If it wasn’t heaven it surely felt that way as she was on top of me and had inserted my hard penis into her warm vagina and I slid in on her soft well lubricated passage, which felt like I was in heaven. No grunts and moans, just a smooth coupling of our bodies, but not only our bodies, but my feelings as well for as we came together physically I felt our whole beings merge as one. Here was a replacement, no not a replacement for Terry, a new love. Our age difference just vanished in that moment when our bodies joined. Here I had a woman who I knew would love me, all she wants is to be shown she is loved and wanted.
As I started to lift my hips, “No let me, I want to make love to you, you will have a long time to make love to me, but I want to do it all myself this time.” she said now resting on her arms with her hands on my chest and looking me straight in the eye.
What else could I do but let her get on with it, but I was watching her in the dressing table mirror and was fascinated by the action of her pelvis, on my inserted penis. If this was how all women’s hips worked then they were very energetic indeed. It didn’t take her long to bring on a climax, but she wouldn’t let me remove my penis from her body and she received the complete stored sperm I had accumulated for many months. Then she came into my arms and I held her close to me.
“You must stop letting me do that Jenny, you’ll fall pregnant and then where will you be.”
“Don’t worry I am on the Pill, anyway I may want a baby one day, but I won’t tell you when I stop taking the Pill. When I feel I’m ready for motherhood I will just stop, so enjoy yourself while you can.”
What a difference having a warm body lying beside you, one you know loves you, and you love in return.
Friday night when we returned from work both Lyn and Dimples were waiting on us, with a brown envelope lying on the kitchen table beside the two cups of coffee already prepared. Also I noticed the bruising on Dimples cheek, which she had tried to cover with powder. I must ask how she got it I thought, but when the contents of the envelope were disclosed I forgot all about her bruising.
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