App Controlled Vibrator Hacked

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Big Tits

This is my first story and English is not my native language. Please let me know if you like it.

I was sitting in café as usual. It has been a habit since I broke up with my boyfriend. We had a wonderful connection, but sex was not even OK. He couldn’t use condoms and I was allergic to all hormonal methods, so the only possible way I was not getting pregnant was to pull out. What left me without an orgasm. And a “fun fact” — I can’t get orgasm when I am masturbating, I can get something similar, but never a full relief.

So, as I said, I was sitting in café as usual, drinking my soda (I hate alcohol). I had my app-controllable vibrator in again, this one what has a g-spot vibrator inside and a small clitoris sucking thing outside. I also had my sexy body on, what kept the vibrator nicely in place. It has been tradition for me to get all hot and ready with a long foreplay in café and my way home and then trying to get off somehow at home. And app controllable vibrator is good, I can set and control the vibration perfectly and at the same time, it isn’t that obvious. Nowadays, most of the people are sitting in their phones and you can also order from your phone. So, I could do my thing and until now, no-one has noticed.

I wasn’t quite feeling like getting started yet, so I took my phone and was planning to order one more soda. Suddenly, I felt my vibrator going on in me. Not long, just for a second. I thought I must have pressed something on my phone. It can’t be something else. As the Waiter arrived in my table, I felt it going on again. This time it was already stronger. But luckily just the vibrator, not the clitoris stimulator yet. Problem is, the one moment, when you don’t have your privacy and you are expected to say at least something, zayıf gaziantep escort is when your order comes. You can imagine that already vibrator going on will cause a sudden loud breath, when it would have been clitoris sucker… As the Waiter was turning around and already leaving, I grabbed my phone to check the app. To be sure, that I haven’t turned it on somehow myself. As I grabbed my phone, the clitoris sucker went suddenly on, in a very intense settings, so it caused a silent but still hearable moan from my mouth and I dropped my phone. And then it all stopped. But the moan was loud enough for Waiter to hear. He turned around and asked: “Is everything OK, miss?” What can I say? Did he realize something? I tried to mumble something, that I’m fine and he left, still sometimes looking over his shoulders to me.

When I was recovered from the sudden shock and sure, that Waiter is no longer looking at me, I tried to take my phone. And then both parts of my secret device went on again, in a high setting, so I dropped my phone to the table again. The moment my phone touched the table, it went off again.

What is going on? I read lately that app-controlled vibrators aren’t as safe as advertised. That there are people hacking in them and taking control over the toys. Could it have happened also with me? Is it possible? Here, in this small town? I decided that I must leave. Maybe first to toilet and I take out the toy, then I must get away from the café as fast as possible. I already knew that he would turn on the vibration when I try to take my phone. So, I decided to leave my phone to the table and just go to the toilet. As I was standing up, it went on again. This time even higher gaziantep zayıf escort than before (I never use the high settings since it is too much for me). I half sat half fell back to my chair. So, I am also not supposed to stand up. I guess I must sit here and wait, until I am allowed to leave. I was also a bit turned on, where will it end. I was trying to calm myself down — it is safe, no one is touching you. It is just the toy.

As I sat there, drinking my soda, as I felt the toy to go on again. This time in a lowest setting possible. But again, both two parts were working at the same time. Then I noticed the waiter approaching me again. Wait, I didn’t order anything… What’s going on? As he was approaching, I suddenly realized, that the vibration and sucking are both getting stronger and stronger. Really slowly, almost unnoticeably, but it was definitely getting stronger. As he approached, it was already that strong, that it was uncomfortable to speak. But manageable. He gave me one more soda and a letter.

“From whom are these?”

“Lady, as I think you know, we can’t see, who is sending what to whom. But maybe the letter will explain.”

Right, I had forgot it. Something special for this café. It has an option to buy a drink and send a letter to someone anonymously, when you know their table number. And it is not hard to know, since the numbers are glowing bright above every table. It makes it easier for guys nowadays to make their move.

Ok, the letter. I take it with shaking hands. The vibration is getting still stronger and I feel my arousal growing. Here was punch of papers. And every paper had one sentence. I tried to look the last page, but then the vibration gaziantep zayıf escort bayan went again to the highest settings. Can he see me? Ok, I have to read it one by one.

“So, my lady.

As you have noticed, I am in charge now.

As you read this letter, the vibration is getting higher with every page.

Now already so, that you can feel the difference between the settings.

You are not supposed to leave.

You are not supposed to use your phone.

You are not supposed to ask for help.

I will control you and decide when you are free to go.

And as you finish this letter, I know you are close.

But it will stop.”

And as he said, I was almost getting there, but when I got to the last page, it stopped. It made me so anxious. But that’s what he wants. He is in charge. I am his now.

I don’t know, how long I sat there. But it the vibration was going on and off for many times. He was playing with me. Using different settings but stopping always before I got there. I was already desperate for cumming, but he didn’t let me. When I was again close to the finish, I saw the waitress approaching with letter again.

“So, I think you liked it? If you want to cum, nod.”

I nodded. I really needed it. And then the vibration stopped. What? WHY??

Then I noticed the other paper.

“Remember, I am in charge. You can’t decide anything. I programmed your toy so, that only I can control it. Leave now. And I will wait you back tomorrow, exactly 18.00. Every minute of being late or coming earlier, I will punish you. And maybe, MAYBE I even let you to cum tomorrow.”

What? No, please no. I need it today. I grab my phone and try to use the app. It doesn’t work. I check my café bill from the other app, it is all payed and I have reservation for the same table for tomorrow.

As I stand up, I feel the vibrator going on in a slow mode again. It stays like this until I reach to the door. And then it stops. A reminder that he is in control.

I guess I have to come back tomorrow then.

Let me know, if you liked it and you would like to read a part 2.

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